Friday, December 12, 2008

How Do You Make A Plan Phiten Neclace


Transformándote in a Happy Teacher (Part 1)

For Jelaila Starr

A look at the beliefs and fears that block your ability to manifest money.

This article is written based on my own understanding and control with core beliefs and fears that block our ability to manifest money. As a teacher I know we must be able to manifest the money to do our job and our mission complete. Those who are not masters of ascension or "Masters of the First Wave," as I call them, may also be affected by these fears and beliefs.

I, like many of you, I have worked in depth those fears, I danced with each one as my colleagues for many years and lives. I feel like using my personal experiences as an example and share the solutions I've discovered I can help you identify what is blocking yet.

To understand how we expose those fears and beliefs, at least in this life, we need to examine some of the land systems and beliefs under which we have been indoctrinated. This test is not done with malice, but objectively, knowing that everything, even more unbalanced systems have value in our spiritual growth as human beings.

Every day I receive at least one email from a frustrated teacher and angry for help to find why the financial loss has happened to them. The emails come packed with the energy of pain, fear and sometimes hope. As I read each one of them my heart aches for them. I can easily tune your situation. I have also experienced when it comes to the end of the rope, no money, no energy and full of anger and bitter tears, ranting of my guides and asking God, "why, why this has happened to me? Have not done all the time what you asked me? "I have not jumped in faith to the vacuum, using my savings, giving my heart and soul to help others? why you dropped me?".
So what causes these issues of money in the first wave, those who came to teach and assist others in the process of ascension of the earth? Why are there so many teachers and prospective teachers in a situation where they have no money to start or continue your work? Maybe the answer lies in the old beliefs and fears of 3D on the money. Is it possible that we are still buying these beliefs are simply not aware of what we are doing? I think that's the case and attempt through the rest of this article, leave them exposed, giving them full of light and a way to identify them and give them a clean solution each.

Then start, because we have much to dig.

Belief # 1: If you are spiritual should be free
This belief, in my opinion, is the stumbling block # 1 and spiritual teachers. To fully understand this belief we will look at it from the 3D perspective (field) and elevated perspective (spiritual).

Those of us who have grown up in an organized religion have had this concept programmed from our childhood. As a child growing older people in my church told me I could not put a price on the words of God. Okay, I thought, that makes sense to me, but then why they passed the offering plate every Saturday (our church met on Saturday)? Why do it if the words of God are free? As a child it did not make much sense to me.

Years later I finally understand this apparent contradiction. I realized that the reason they passed the plate had nothing to do with the words of God to the congregation. For if in the eyes of the elders, the words of God were free, the church and its expenses were not. Someone has to pay for them. And while we're at it, someone has to pay the pastor for his work and heating or air conditioning in the church.

I noticed that churches are not built only for prayers and love, they need money to build 3D. Adults could not pay the builders and carpets with love and prayers. The mason can not take the prayers and love go to the store and exchange it for food for his family. So if they can not do, how can you? Your church and any organized religion is a business based on spirituality and as such needs money to keep running. They give a service and require payment for these services to keep providing the service each week. Although you are a teacher giving lectures, a healer or have a center or school, your service is considered a business based on the spiritual. And because it is a business must find ways to financially support like any other business.

So why so many of us still struggling with the feeling that if we charge for our spiritual work we are bad or not spiritual enough? And why, as we see in the facts, we feel it is okay for churches but not for us? Why think that God or the Spirit wants us to a spiritual service without the aspects of the earth to support it?

I think the reason is because the powers that be here on earth want to keep disabled and under its control. I they know how a man or woman to move beyond the earth's systems, the prison of the earth, is through spiritual reconnection to your Soul / Higher Self and ascension. So to prevent this have created these beliefs and have been promoted through the spiritual institutions. As they know how strong is our need to connect to the source, with the spirit, what used to be embarrassed by obedience. Shame is a very strong emotion and slow us down to death in our history because it attacks our self esteem.

When religious institutions tell us that to be spiritual we must not charge for our services and believe in that, they have the ability to take away the power to accomplish our mission because we lack the resources to do so. I believe that our continued acceptance of this belief is what led to the cessation of the metaphysical community.

Additionally, if we try to move beyond this belief, we would be hampered because in this belief is the feeling of guilt. In other words, if we charge someone with this belief and challenges us, we will feel guilty. This has been my experience. And this guilt I might feel as if I had stolen from God. Linda belief, no?

But as we have seen, leaders the church does not believe this, right? So why is not the time to free ourselves from the chains of this belief charging to cover costs and profit taking our work, as they do?

Now go to the final step and look at this belief from the perspective of high and when we do, we can see that the Spirit does not support the belief "if you are spiritual should be free." In the universe we have a law called Cause / Effect or give / receive. Essentially says that for every cause there is less effect when we give, we receive. In other words, what goes around comes around. We also have another law that says "Everything is energy and all energy has value." So if all forms of energy has value, then it is subject to the law of cause / effect or give / receive. Then all you would not be subject to these two laws is nothing, nothing. So if your service is something spiritual and not has nothing to be subject to the law of giving and receiving, so you should get something in return for the spiritual service they provide.

Now that we've looked at this belief from the perspective of the earth and from a higher perspective is there any reason to hold this belief? Can we take steps to deal with the shame and guilt created to get rid of it? I think that we can and to do our work as teachers.

How do you recognize that you operating under this belief?

- You refuse to accept money for your services or accept a donation just love without a minimum. - Judge negatively those who accept money for their services.
Is there a way to release this belief?

1. Stay in touch with the shame that this belief remains active in your life. Review your family's beliefs about money and spirituality can help you identify it.

2. Make a deal with your Inner Child / Ego (I use both terms interchangeably because I think they are the same) and tell him not to leave him while taking the necessary actions to begin to live under the new belief that is appropriate and necessary to charge for your services. Let him know that when people come and cast his pity on you because you're not operating in the new belief, you will not take this shame for you not buy.

keys to move out of this belief is in contracts with the Inner Child / Ego. The one mentioned above is the largest contract to do but there are others that are necessary to maintain the main contract. The ego will not let you let go of those beliefs if he believes that they give you the acceptance and love they need to survive. So if you want your ego to cooperate and accept the new belief, you do way contracts safeguard their existence while letting go of the old and accept the new.

As I explain in "The 3rd Key of Compassion", the Inner Child / Ego equates with death and rejection block anything that threatens their survival. A new belief may threaten you, so take steps to make sure your inner child is safe. Once this is resolved, I was able to move beyond this belief and my financial situation has improved immensely.

Belief # 2: You can not be rich and famous and still be spiritual.
This belief is similar to above but extends the idea to include not only the charge for your services but transform into rich and famous as a direct or indirect result of it. This belief has plagued me for long. We have said that the possibility for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God is equal to the possibility of a camel to go through the eye of a needle. How many of us have heard this story since we were kids? In essence, what I think they are saying is that we must be poor to be spiritual, but what about those who are telling us that? Again, are they poor? Organized religions are some of the most profitable businesses and rich around us, is not it?

My feeling about this is: money and fame give people power and the more powerful you are, the less can be manipulated. The land systems are designed to keep us powerless. To do that, they need to indoctrinate the beliefs that support your goals. Of course, we agreed to this before incarnating to have to work our state of helplessness and understand our power. I do not think we understand the real power until we have experienced impotence. Additionally, we can not support people to leave their state of helplessness to personally experience what it is to find a way out of it. Therefore, I feel that none of us are victims. We just need to see this belief and its authors from an overhead perspective, thanks for the lessons and move on.

How do you recognize that you are operating under this belief?
From my experience, people who still operate from this belief is sabotaging all the time when they start to fame and fortune. For example, they suddenly become ill or create a family crisis. Regardless of how they create the sabotage, intent on a subconscious level is always the same, stop the drive in which they are able to build fame and fortune.

Is there a way to release this belief?
1. Ask your Inner Child / Ego show you where in the past have fame and fortune you have been injured. Before giving this step, you need to re-establish an open dialogue with your Inner Child.
2. Once he / she has shown you this event, and perhaps several, validates your right to feel those feelings about the incident.
3. Once he / she feels accepted, and you know this by asking him / her if you continue to feel that kind of pain. If your ego says no, then ask if you are willing to take a decision to create a new life (a life of recognition and financial security). If your ego says yes, then call your Higher Self / Soul and ask your Inner Child / Ego you make an agreement estableciento your soul will guide you both in this life and that you and your Child / Ego agree to follow.
There is more to release this belief and work with the Inner Child and the Alma and you can read about this in the "4th Key of Compassion." Now let's review the three most challenging fears stop us to manifest money. (See Part 2 of this article.)

In Service, Starr Jelaila
Author Bio Jelaila Starr is a messenger Nibiruan Council of the Galactic Federation. She is the author of two books, We are the Nibiruans and Bridge of Reunion. As a gifted psychic and intuitive counselor, Jelaila works with individuals to help them with emotional clearing, healing relationships. Jelaila's unique approach enables her clients to discover who they are, what they came to do and how. Jelaila can be found in the Email: Website: (Note: She speaks English) English translation: Veronica Hernandez, http://www.reskarendaya.comNota translator : These translations are registered copyright, is forbidden to use it for profit.


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