Saturday, December 13, 2008

What Happens If Herpes Is Not Controlled


The Unlimited Power of the Violet Flame

By Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

This is a critical moment in the evolution of the planet, and it is imperative for each of us to begin reaching our highest potential. We need to do this in order to fulfill our purpose and rationale. We must learn how to transmute thoughts, words, actions and feelings distorted to believe in the past. These fake human creations are now returning to us through our everyday experiences. As these energies misqualified the surface, wreak havoc on our lives and cause us much pain and suffering. This negative energy does not come back to haunt or punish, but returns to give us the opportunity to transmute it back into its original perfection. In other words, returns to be Loved free.

Scientifically, we know that energy is not destroyed. We can not simply say cancel, cancel and erase the past. We are blessed by the fact that the Earth is in the midst of a unique experiment, and we are receiving assistance from High beyond anything given to the Sons of God in any system of worlds.

natural process in the Earth's orbit, known as the Precession of the Equinoxes, we have moved into the force field of Aquarius. This constellation resonates with the Seventh Solar Aspect of Deity - the Violet Flame of Limitless Transmutation - to be the main activity of Light on Earth for the next 2,000 years.

The Violet Flame is made by Blue Ray Sapphire of the Divine Will, Power and Authority of our Father God, and the Crystalline Pink Ray of Divine Love Transformer, Adoration and Reverence for Life of our Mother God.

This aspect of the Sacred Fire bathes the Earth with the Divine Qualities of Limitless Transmutation, Spiritual Freedom, Mercy, Compassion, Forgiveness, Physical Perfection, Liberty, Justice, Victoria, Opportunity, Invocation, Divine Ceremony and Divine Technology. The Violet Flame is a tool more powerful than our finite minds can conceive. When used consistently, transmuted into light every electron of precious life energy ever misqualified at any time, any existence, both known and unknown.

The Violet Flame works as an atomic accelerator. Increases the frequency of all discordant energy into vibrations of healing and harmony. When we invoke the Violet Flame and empower it with feelings of Divine Forgiveness for our mistakes and those of others, works miracles. The gates of heaven are opened in response to the call of our heart, which allows the Universal Law of Forgiveness to pour into the Heart Flames of the Sons of God.

Because of the monumental aspect of the Divine Plan is unfolding This year, the Company of Heaven is asking Lightworkers everywhere, we have to redouble our efforts to invoke the Violet Flame of Limitless Transmutation. Imperfection patterns that have been falsely created by our egos fragmented and based on fear since the fall aeons ago, are being pushed to the surface to be healed. This is happening at an accelerated pace in preparation for the activity of Light that will be held in August this year.

During this unprecedented event, we will reach a critical mass of Divine Love, and the paralyzing grip of the human ego Humanity burst asunder. This will be done by the I AM Presence of every soul. The Archangel Michael and his legions of Protection, then encapsulate our human egos in the RING FIRST STEP OF THE CAUSE OF PERFECTION OF GOD. These wayward aspects of our human personality, will then be cradled in the Flame of the Heart of our Mighty I AM Presence, until they surrender to the Light of God and be freed by love forever.

do not have to fully understand every facet of the Violet Flame to be powerful Instruments of God and to effectively respond to this heartfelt request from the Company of Heaven. All you have to do is ask our I AM Presence to take command and invoke the wondrous gift of the Violet Flame from the Heart of All That Is

The following invocations have given us the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth. If they resonate in your Heart of Hearts, please empower them daily with your thoughts, words, actions and feelings, as we prepare the way step by step, to the miraculous transformation of our human egos.


Through the Beloved Presence of God, I AM, now blazing in my heart, I call ALL of the Legions of Light throughout infinity who are associated with the Violet Flame of Limitless Transmutation of God.

Blessed Ones, blaze the full momentum of the Sacred Violet Fire in, through and around every electron of precious life energy that I have poorly qualified, at any range of time or dimension, both known and unknown. Transmute these patterns of imperfection cause, core, effect, record and memory into the Harmony and Balance of God.

Beloved I AM, I invoke your Divine Intervention to blaze the Violet Flame through every thought, word, action or feeling I have expressed that reflects anything less than the Immaculate Concept of my full Divine Potential.

Look into my life and everything is still balanced by me to any person, place, condition or thing I have wronged at any time, in any form and for any reason whatsoever.

Spread your great loving hands of Light into all the good energy I have released throughout my Earthly sojourn, and radiates a thousand times more perfect than I've done wrong.

form the substance of Perfection a Gift of Love, which is necessary to balance every debt I have created and has not yet paid any part of Life.

Beloved I AM, I ask you to forgive every person, place, condition or thing that has wronged me in any way, and balance all debts owed to me by Life everywhere.

I agree that this is done through the Power of God I AM. And it is.


(The following Violet Flame mantra can be repeated aloud or in the silence of our hearts as we go about the business of our daily lives.)
Transmute , transmuted by the Violet Fire all causes and cores not of God's desire.

I AM a Being of cause, that cause is Love, the Sacred Tone.


I AM the Violet Fire a force more powerful than any human creation false.
I breathe the Violet Flame of Limitless Transmutation into my Heart Center, and I breathe through my Heart Chakra into the core of every person, place, condition or thing in my life, conscious or unconscious, past or present through the obvious choice or through karmic liability. As

this Sacred Fire floods the Earth, the Violet Flame transmutes all energy less than the perfection of God, back to Light. The Violet Fire is Loving free every point of my universe.

I AM Free! I AM Free! I AM Eternally Free! And it is. THE JOY OF FORGIVENESS

Beloved I AM, flood my Being and each etheric record since the beginning of time with the Joyful experience of Divine Forgiveness. In Forgiving, I let go all the effects of misused energy impinging on my life and the lives of all mankind. I let go of ignorance, confusion and pain of this world. I know now that I have come to release Love Life, and will do so.

This is the heart center of my existence, the Joy of Forgiving Life as it enters my consciousness. From now on, I AM setting all Life free into a higher vibration with the Gift of Forgiveness to my Father-Mother God has given so freely into my keeping.

I AM a Force of the Violet Flame of Forgiveness flooding this sweet Earth!

I AM the Joy of the Joy of Perdón.YO Perdón.YO AM I AM the Joy of Forgiveness.


In the name and the power and authority of the Presence of God I AM, I invoke the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth to blaze the Violet Fire with the power and might of a thousand Suns in, through and around every electron that makes up the atoms of the physical, mental, emotional and ethereal Site. Hold the Violet Flame and double it each time, until these Earthly vehicles are fully assimilated into the perfection of our Solar Light Bodies. *******

Expand, expand and intensify daily the mightiest action of the Violet Fire in, through and around all nations, races, cultures, creeds and religions in every country in the world. Blaze the Violet Flame through every person's home, place of occupation and overall environment until the perfection of the Divine Plan revealed for Life. *******

Expand, expand and intensify daily the mightiest action of the Violet Fire in, through and around the cause and core of the creative centers of all doubt and fear in the Earth, in Earth and the atmosphere that surrounds it. Transform these creative centers into expressions of Trust Hope and Inner Knowing God.

******* Expand y expandan el Fuego Violeta de Purificación y Transmutación, dentro, a través y alrededor de toda la superficie terrestre, las aguas y las personas de cada país, provincia, estado, ciudad, pueblo y aldea en el mundo. Establezcan un enfoque poderoso del Fuego Violeta en los Reinos Etéreos sobre cada una de estas locaciones e intensifiquen esta actividad purificadora de Luz diariamente y cada hora con cada respiración que tome.

*******Ahora en el Nombre, Amor, Sabiduría, Poder y Autoridad del la Amada y Victoriosa Presencia de Dios YO SOY, Yo hablo directamente al Corazón de la Flama Violeta. Fuego Sagrado, envuélveme en la sustancia purificadora, perdonadora y curativa de Your Light to flow through my consciousness and feeling of Divine Love and Freedom to bless all Life. Allow this purifying essence saturate the atmosphere wherever I live, move, breathe and have my Being, that miracle-working presence of tangible proof of their reality to all humanity.

******* Beloved Violet Flame, direct Legions of your Angels of the Violet Fire to blaze the Flame of Forgiveness and Freedom into the heart of every evolving soul, that we all learn to use our Light to fullest in our service to Life and the cause of freedom on Earth.

******* Beloved, Victorious Fuego Violeta de la Libertad del Amor, Yo te amo. Te invoco seria y sinceramente en acción dinámica. Arde perpetuamente tu Flama Transmutadora dentro de los Seres y mundos de cada hombre, mujer y niño en la Tierra. Permite que cada uno sepa que tu presencia curativa siempre traerá alegría y liberación de cualquier cosa que no sea de la Luz. Envuelve a cada persona en el poder de tu Luz y transmuta toda imperfección en sus vidas en Orden Divino a través del Amor Divino.

*******El Victorioso Fuego Violeta de la Libertad del Amor AHORA…
Sana nuestros cuerpos,Armoniza y estabiliza nuestros sentimientos, Ilumina nuestra conciencia y nos LIBERA, elevándonos hacia la maestría full on all appearances human feelings and desires, now and forever sustained. And it is.

In order to succeed in reaching the critical mass of Divine Love necessary to break the paralyzing grip of our human egos, the Company of Heaven is asking Lightworkers to come together and unite our Heart Flames for forming a powerful generator of Light. This event will take place within the portal of Divine Love Transfiguring in Tucson, Arizona on the anniversary of Harmonic Convergence, August 13-18, 2005. The vehicle used for this meeting will be 19 ANNUAL WORLD CONGRESS ON LIGHTING.

If you are feeling the heart call to be an instrument of God to serve as a surrogate on behalf of all humanity for this unprecedented facet of the Divine Plan, please trust your inner guidance and respond. You have been preparing for aeons of time for this Cosmic Moment. Once you set
Divine Intent to serve as a surrogate on behalf of Humanity and all Life during this unique opportunity, the floodgates of Heaven will open in support of your efforts. Your God Self will pave the way and the doors will open for you in ways you have not been able to imagine in the past.

Patricia Diane Cota-Robles New Age
Study of Humanity's Purpose, Inc.a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit Educational organizationhttp: / /, FAX: 520-546 -6143, Phone: 520-885-7909PO Box 41883, Tucson, Arizona 85717
This article is copyrighted but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as they include proper credit line.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Make A Blueprint For Desk


Navigating the Stages of Emotional Clearing

By Nicole Canter,
April 2003

have you ever been in the midst of a painful emotional problems and could not find the exit? Have you ever had those moments when they thought they had finished cleaning something, only to find himself back in the same? I've been through this and not you, but I think the emotional clearing as something shocking. It's like trying to find their way through a jungle full of quicksand and deep cavernous holes - one needs a really good and detailed map. Throughout my childhood and throughout my adult life, I was trapped in the quicksand many times because I did not know how to navigate the stages of emotional clearing. So how we move through the stages of emotional clearing? And what is that exactly?

Emotional Clearing Emotional clearing is the process by which removes the layers of emotional blocks, dense energy transmuting anger, shame, guilt, etc. contained in each layer, taking all this into compassion. These layers are kept repressed and sealed in our emotional body until they are released to come to the surface (triggered into action), through the conflicts that stand in our way. At that point we become aware of them.

The Stages of Emotional Clearing

Once the energy previously contained within a layer have reached the surface, we began the process of cleaning. This cleaning involves moving through a series of steps that allow physical and emotional release that energy in our body, while at the same time, we integrate the fear that is at the root and learn the lesson concerned. Wow! That was a long sentence!

Sometimes cleaning is easy because the stagnant energies are mild, but others cleanliness is very painful, escalating to an explosion conflict with someone. Let me say that regardless of whether it is mild or severe is not easy! It's like trying to climb one of those holes very deep!

Why would we want to make an emotional cleansing?
That is indeed a very good question. There are many rewards in emotional clearing. One is the rise - we should lighten up our bodies to rise and we can do this through the release of old stagnant energies that make it dense. We do have to better and more satisfying relationships. We do so with the intention to have greater mental and emotional health.

Thanks to months and months of painful lessons with my husband Shaun, I've finally learned to navigate the stages of emotional clearing - at least enough to write this article. All I can say is that blessed is the heart of Shaun to stay by my side. This has been a challenge to say the least! Wipe with our partner can be very frustrating because we are constantly forced to look at a mirror of ourselves. We can not escape! Again and again demand to know why we agreed to this pain and agony. Once we realize that this is a process and we see from a higher perspective, we are able to move forward with a little more ease and grace every time.


emotional clearing process takes us from a perspective of third dimension, all the way to the multidimensional perspective where we can transmute the emotion out of our physical and emotional . This begins with our Inner Child * (NI) that is triggered to react, and ends with us finding the upper and multidimensional understanding of the emotional issue at hand. If unfamiliar with the inner child, I'm talking about that little child within each of us and even if he or she will behave as a child small, their real job is to protect our physical bodies from harm. The inner child does this through fear, but that fear becomes unbalanced when he or she begins to control our emotions with that fear.
Also, keep in mind that you may not know what is happening until they get used to going through emotional clearing and recognize that something is blowing up and still in the early stages (about 1 to the 4) are usually unconscious.

Stage 1. The Detonator
first thing that happens when a problem is that my Inner Child (I) is detonated. "The triggers "are in our lives to bring forth feelings from old unwanted emotional core that we have not been cleaned in the past. A trigger can be anything that provokes feelings of anger, guilt, shame or any other emotion" negative. "Makes me know that it has crossed a boundary or an old wound that is still buried deep inside me. It can be a person or a situation (like I stepped on a finger) that triggers me and always will be because I react. Sometimes the reaction is soft, like a subtle emotion and / or a physical sensation, but there is always some degree of physical or emotional reaction (or both), if only rapid heartbeat for a few seconds.

When I clean an emotional block, normally clear one or more layers of core emotional issue, with the result that the trigger affects me less and less. Once completely clean the problem, the trigger disappears as if it had never been there.

Stage 2: Identifying the detonator through the Ira
When we react to a trigger, react in the most basic level, with fear, because fear is the emotion less often. Sometimes literally was scared and I can have even been ashamed or guilt, but usually react with anger. Why angry? My inner child has been hurt and she expressed anger that wound in order to protect me not to feel this hurt. Think of it as a shield to try to prevent further pain, taking offensive action. Have you ever heard that "the best defense is a good offense"? The Inner Child thinks so!

Both Shaun and I have a fundamental problem involving neglect and between us we always act as a primary trigger in relation to this problem. For example, when Shaun triggers my problem of neglect, almost always react first with anger. The scenario usually case: I took the decision to do something and express it. He makes a comment and I say you are trying to control me and I get very angry. But sometimes, I feel more subtle emotions, like fear or guilt. The reason is more subtle, because my Inner Child is not really want to feel these emotions (which are less frequently than anger), then use the anger as our primary defense and offense.

Sometimes I am extremely angry before I even realized I was detonated. It's like going on autopilot Inner Child! But the more experience I have I realize that I can identify soon as the detonator.

Stage 3: Designing and accuse
Once my Inner Child is angry enough, she will take the shield of anger and feelings divert back to the other person, blaming. In this way my Inner Child and I have to take responsibility for creating our own reality, for example, the pain we are feeling. Can you believe that in the past have blamed Sahun when I've beaten one finger, when he was in another room of the house? Well, I've done because I could not bear the pain of taking responsibility. This very interesting phenomenon is also called projection.

Then, using the example of my problem of abandonment, when I project to Shaun when we are having a "bullet drop", I pointed to him and tell him he is controlling me and that's why I I feel miserable, sad, angry, etc. My Inner Child is not willing to recognize that this is OUR problem at this point, so we try to make Shaun problem until we are ready to take responsibility.

Step 4: Reaction, projection and guilt by a detonator
Once I reacted and I blamed the "trigger", they generally react also feeling hurt and pointing at me. This usually results in a discussion that may last a few minutes or several days, depending on which layer I am trying to clear the blockade. You can see it is this vicious circle!

For example, once exploded in the face of Shaun, reacts and operates the mine. Your Inner Child is not ready to deal with my pain and if pain is involved, does not want to take responsibility for theirs. Then he shows me and continue doing this until we got tired of arguing.

worth mentioning that if someone has been cleaning the emotions consciously for a while, then may react differently. I mean come one I can see the trigger and choose consciously react differently. This means that they have almost cleared the blockage. But do not strike if they are not here yet - old habits die hard! Believe me I know!

Stage 5: Expressing and release the anger
This is a stage when they usually start to hold back and I along with my Inner Child what is happening. I want to strongly emphasize that all these things seem "negative" okay! Your feelings are valid and well let your child Interior express and react in an appropriate manner, for example, expressing your feelings without hurting yourself or others. May need to make arrangements with your Inner Child in relation to the expression for you both feel safe to do so.

is also very important to express themselves both verbally and physically, to draw energy both from the physical body and the emotional. I found it very useful and scream write what I call "mind and relieve." This can be as soft as a complaint or as explosive as a neutron bomb, in the words of course. They can do this in a way and place that is comfortable, but if they choose blow off steam with someone, it is wise to ask if they can download them before. If they do, they may react with anger. I also find it appropriate to use a physical object such as a plastic bat or pad and then I hit my bed or the floor with them. I recommend any of these because I do not hurt or hurt others (or my possessions) by hitting something soft with something soft. When I finish I always express myself because I feel lighter. If you do not know that I'm done, then continues until I'm done.

I can not stress enough here that the main thing to bear in mind is that it is OK to express your anger, etc. And do not censor your inner child in any way related to feelings or thoughts. Let your inner child express their feelings and valídalos with something like "I hear you!" or "Go!" By embracing and enabling the expression "dark" you will be able to integrate much faster the fear and anger you are experiencing.

Of course, during our initial discussions Shaun and I always released some anger. Sometimes we sit still for an hour and we shouted at each other. We have mixed feelings about this later, because while we were both sorry for what happened, we both feel much lighter and better! But sometimes we have to go out alone and express anger and I always do what I recommend above.

Step 6: Finding and Recognizing the Mirror
At this stage begin to take a step back and realize that I have a problem with the other person and begin to process consciously expressing how we feel. The optimum is when the two got involved in this, but if I have to continue without the participation of the other then fine. Also know that this step of the process takes an indefinite amount of time depending on the level of communication you have with my Inner Child. We usually start with an intellectual process and finished with my Inner Child expressing their true emotional feelings that are at the heart of the detonator. That's my goal - the true and honest expression of my emotions. This is the language of my Inner Child.

Once I can be honest with me, I'm ready to look in the mirror and take over that image. Finding the mirror or see myself in another person, always shows me how I treated my Inner Child. Taking ownership of the mirror means I'm ready to take full responsibility for my pain and my actions. It means being brutally honest with myself and with others, even if it hurts. So in my example, I said that Shaun was controlling, etc., But I can now see how I controlled my Inner Child and I have not made express or be what it is because I have fear that leaves me Shaun. Now that's something hard to swallow and for both of us, because my Inner Child is afraid that I will quit. Hmmm ... Do you see a pattern here?

Step 7: Cleaning the Mirror, Taking Responsibility and Validating
Pain This is where using multidimensional tools to "get" the lesson, take responsibility and get rid of me and the other person's fault. This is what we call "cleaning the mirror." The tools I use are multidimensional, known as the 7 Keys of Compassion. I use the Formula of Compassion (the first key) and the Key of Compassion (the second key) to clean the mirror and it works wonderfully! Using these tools I can always see the higher perspective and once I do I smile from ear to ear with gratitude for the person who is my trigger and I always thank him for his role in the lesson. Once I can do this, and I feel that since I made it! Then I can congratulate me peel another layer of my emotional problems!

Once I have the lesson and I am able to take responsibility for my part in the extent of the problem, I am able to validate the pain and hurt of the other person. Validation means being able to apologize for the pain I've caused the other person with my actions without any excuse or without defending my behavior. I speak of pain describing it as if I were happening to me. This is an important step and can only be reached after that I can connect emotionally with the pain of another person. In the example of conflict between Shaun and me, this is what I say, "Shaun, I'm sorry I accused of trying to control. I am sorry that I did not come to discuss my idea before making a decision. I'm sorry not having treated as a partner and because of my determination that is my way, I accused him of trying to control ... that was what I was doing! And I feel so much pain it caused my charge. "

I have to let them know that I heard and felt by repeating the reason they are apologizing for causing hurt and pain. Whether he intended to cause pain or not - if I can feel your pain I can always validate it. And most of the time, everything that the other person wants to hear is that I'm sorry if any hurt. Know that this does not include any promise to change my behavior - I'm just validating their pain.

But what happens if I realize I can not validate the pain and hurt the other? What do I do? I have to go back and talk with my Inner Child because she is blocking me to not feel the pain of others. Why? For fear that I will quit if I feel the pain of Shaun. She blocked me not to feel pain because Shaun is a type or level of pain that I've said I never want to feel ... therefore blocking. Then I make an agreement with my Inner Child that I will not leave if I feel the feelings of Shaun. I realize when you disagree because I start to feel the pain of another person ... in this case the pain of Shaun.

So that's it ... these are the stages of emotional clearing. The mere fact of knowing these stages and what to expect has given me great comfort when I'm in the midst of my problems. Every time I pass through them solve a little more and am able to crawl a little faster to get off my proverbial hole. It is my hope that this article have a clear enough map to navigate through their emotional clearing jungle and find a way out of their emotional holes.


Nicole Canter, Councillor GalácticaBlue Star Serviceshttp: / /

Nibiru Galactic Council Networkhttp Counselor: / /
English Translation: Claudia Cuesta, http://www.reskarendaya.comNota the translator: These translations are registered copyright, is forbidden to use it for profit.

How Much Does Yarn Cost Wholesale


Formula of Compassion

First Multidimensional Key of Compassion

For Jelaila Starr

Formula of Compassion (Formula) is used to move from Level One to Level Nine in the RRA process. It is also used after you've reached the multidimensionality to maintain.

The formula allows you to move through enough lessons from the map of your life to do as often as necessary to achieve full consciousness. In other words, the formula often lights up your body every time you use it to manage conflict and to integrate the fear involving the lesson behind the conflict.

The lessons come to you packaged as conflicts. I realized I could not complete the RRA without the formula, because the Formula I allowed my body to remove negative emotions conflicts, through my upper heart, transmuting into compassion.

Formula Another benefit is the activation of dormant psychic glands. Each time you use the Formula exercise these glands asleep. By the time you finish with the activation of DNA, these glands are ready for full time use.

tips to remember when using the Formula of Compassion:

Feel the feelings of the situation, first verbally and physically express them, then start applying the formula in the problem. Physically feel and express emotions, raised through the Heart Chakra to the Heart Chakra Superior, where they will be transmuted and released. These emotions are often dense low oil that once transmuted into the higher frequency of compassion, through the Heart Chakra (which acts as an incinerator), flood your body as an orgasmic release and changes at the same time your DNA.

continue this cycle of rising and the old aspects of face with new lessons using the Keys of Compassion, until you have cleared enough to complete the "wiring" of your 12 strand DNA. After this, you will continue emotional clearing to complete the climb, but now have the support of new neural pathways and patterns of behavior associated healthy. Ascension is now scheduled for completion around 2012. Now go to the 9 steps of the Formula of Compassion.

The Nine Steps of the formula are as follows:
Step One: Lesson

What is the lesson I wanted to learn regarding this person and the conflict we are experiencing?
Ask your Higher Self, Soul, angels or spirit guides to help you. Ask them to show you the lesson you wanted to learn. Is on the Map of your life. The map of your life is the blueprint of your present life. Contains lessons, contracts and major events for your present, along with the people involved.

Step Two: Contract
What was the agreement I made with this person?
Asks to be shown on (the) contract (s) you did to learn this lesson. If you use the formula to release an individual, ask for the contract which appear you and the other person. Usually there are many contracts with many people to learn the same lesson. The contractual relationship with lessons, varies depending on how long or how many lives you have been trying to learn this lesson in particular. The more lives will be more contracts in the present life for that lesson.
Remember that no one agrees to make a contract with you, unless you also need to learn the same lesson. In some cases the other person in your contract is there to learn the other side of the lesson.

Step Three: Role
What is the role being played by this person to fulfill their part of the contract?
Ask to see and understand the role you play and the role being played by someone else in the contract. Ask for help to understand how you see the roles as they are acting. I envision a scenario and see myself as an actress and the other person as an actor or actress. This helps me see more clearly the roles, because I can see the behavior as a performance.

Step Four: Look
What is the aspect of me that is me showing this person?
Again asking for help to see and understand the aspect of you that the other person is reflecting. They are your mirror, reflecting an aspect of yourself through your behavior. For me this step has been the most difficult to handle. Asks a brutal self-honesty, but it's worth the effort. Sometimes, instead of reflecting an aspect of your behavior, you are reflecting something that judge. An example would be someone who steals. You may not you're a thief, but you can be judging the theft or theft.

Step Five: Gift
What is the gift that I'm getting this person to play his role?
Ask for help to be able to see and understand the gift the other person is giving the play its role. The value mentioned above is the value of the gift and the gift is the lesson learned.

Review Process Once you have completed the first five steps, you should be feeling a surge of compassion and gratitude for the other person involved in the conflict / contract. If not, return to the lesson and start again. Sometimes

takes several attempts before they finally see the lesson in which we work. Usually I know that I understood, when I feel a warm feeling in my heart. This may be linked to a strong sense of knowing something, like a Ah Ha!

The final four steps are used to finish cleaning and to release negative / emotional garbage from the physical body by the high heart chakra. When I think of the high heart chakra, visualize an invisible device into a cone shape, stay in my auric field. This is attached to my physical body right over my heart and under my collarbone. When I use the formula that opens to the energy / Compassion transmuted to move through it and exit.

As I understand, the high heart chakra has the same function that the colon / anus and the bladder / urethra in the physical body. Both perform the functions of removing waste material or toxic. The only difference is that the physical system eliminates dense physical matter and the high heart chakra etheric matter removed.

Step Six: Acceptance
"I can accept the role this person has played, along with their actions, to help me learn this lesson?
Acceptance is one of the four elements of unconditional love. Acceptance is part of compassion and unconditional love in action. This also includes the acceptance of who is the other person without trial. I've found that when I'm having trouble with this step, I can clean it when I remember that they are a soul in a body like me and are helping us a lesson.

Step Seven: Grant
"I grant my permission to be let go of my anger towards this person who played the role to help them learn the lesson?
Grant is also one of the four elements of unconditional love. The grant is part of compassion and unconditional love in action. This includes grant to the person who he and choose your path is chosen, regardless of how you feel about it.

usually when I get to this step, I find it very easy to let go of my anger towards the people, because I'm feeling gratitude and compassion that comes from seeing the pain they suffered when playing his role for me .

Another note: The grant is easier to do when we let go of the need to control another's behavior or choices that are for good. We tend to control people by fear that their actions will harm them or us. If we understand that everything has value, then we can begin to release our need to control, because we understand to be a value in each and every one of the results.

Step Eight: Release
guilt "I can release this person?
This step is easy when you realize you're not a victim. On the contrary, you are an active participant in a contract and a lesson that helped establish.

Take responsibility for your part of the contract allows you to release the other person's guilt over his role to help you learn the lesson I wanted to learn. Understand that as you're not a victim, they are not villains. Devin, my guide of 9 th dimension, I have said many times that it is much harder play the role of a villain than it is to play the role of a hero.
someone to blame is different from forgiving. Forgiving someone is what we do when we feel they have sinned against us as if we were victims. Unlocking is the key element in the formula. The release is created by your compassion for another person.

Step Nine: Goodness
Now that I've released to this person, how I can be kind to her, and if I can, how I can do it and when?

At this point you should be feeling the intensity of liberation through higher heart. I've noticed that the degree of feeling differs according to the emotional intensity of the problem. The more emotionally charged the issue is, the stronger the release.
I found, like others, that this step is the most emotional. I am full of gratitude and compassion when I reach this step and my only thought is how to mend and thank them.

Now that you're feeling the gratitude and compassion, you have released the other person's guilt and anger and you realize you can be kind to them, you're almost finished with the Formula. The final two parts of Step Nine are

A) How to show your kindness? and B) When it?

These two parts are very important and I encourage you to complete them as soon as possible, since the process is not complete until you do. A letter or call the person to thank you for the lesson will be enough. Meeting to share the lesson I learned from them grows healing the pain we both feel.

Caution Do not make them go through the formula. They will not understand and generally will be angry or defensive, unless you also know the formula.
Changing the Energy

Once you've completed the formula, it is time then to do something with the contract. The contract is energy like anything else, so you can change its form into something different, something like working with Leggos. I visualize the contract generally dissolve into a thousand pieces of light energy and then send that energy to someone who is ill to assist in their healing. At other times the deposit within an energy bill that I created to show one of my desires, like a new house or something. They can also deposit in the account of someone else to help you manifest one of your wishes.

Anyway, here is where I can have a little fun with the contract and be creative. A positive end to a painful lesson, do not you think?

I hope this summary and the steps of the Formula of Compassion help you make the appropriate choices for you.

can more information on our site (in English): We are dedicated to help you in your ascension process by providing the highest level of information and tools available that we are aware at this time.

Author Bio Jelaila Starr is a messenger Nibiruan Council Galactic Federation. She is the author of two books, We are the Nibiruans and Bridge of Reunion. As a gifted psychic and intuitive counselor, Jelaila works with individuals to help them with emotional clearing, healing relationships. Jelaila's unique approach enables her clients to discover who they are, what they came to do and how. Jelaila can be found in the Email: Web http://www.nibiruancouncil.comSitio: (Note: She speaks English) English Translation: Claudia Cuesta Translator's Note: These translations are recorded in copyright, is forbidden to use it for profit.

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Transformándote in a Happy Teacher (Part 1)

For Jelaila Starr

A look at the beliefs and fears that block your ability to manifest money.

This article is written based on my own understanding and control with core beliefs and fears that block our ability to manifest money. As a teacher I know we must be able to manifest the money to do our job and our mission complete. Those who are not masters of ascension or "Masters of the First Wave," as I call them, may also be affected by these fears and beliefs.

I, like many of you, I have worked in depth those fears, I danced with each one as my colleagues for many years and lives. I feel like using my personal experiences as an example and share the solutions I've discovered I can help you identify what is blocking yet.

To understand how we expose those fears and beliefs, at least in this life, we need to examine some of the land systems and beliefs under which we have been indoctrinated. This test is not done with malice, but objectively, knowing that everything, even more unbalanced systems have value in our spiritual growth as human beings.

Every day I receive at least one email from a frustrated teacher and angry for help to find why the financial loss has happened to them. The emails come packed with the energy of pain, fear and sometimes hope. As I read each one of them my heart aches for them. I can easily tune your situation. I have also experienced when it comes to the end of the rope, no money, no energy and full of anger and bitter tears, ranting of my guides and asking God, "why, why this has happened to me? Have not done all the time what you asked me? "I have not jumped in faith to the vacuum, using my savings, giving my heart and soul to help others? why you dropped me?".
So what causes these issues of money in the first wave, those who came to teach and assist others in the process of ascension of the earth? Why are there so many teachers and prospective teachers in a situation where they have no money to start or continue your work? Maybe the answer lies in the old beliefs and fears of 3D on the money. Is it possible that we are still buying these beliefs are simply not aware of what we are doing? I think that's the case and attempt through the rest of this article, leave them exposed, giving them full of light and a way to identify them and give them a clean solution each.

Then start, because we have much to dig.

Belief # 1: If you are spiritual should be free
This belief, in my opinion, is the stumbling block # 1 and spiritual teachers. To fully understand this belief we will look at it from the 3D perspective (field) and elevated perspective (spiritual).

Those of us who have grown up in an organized religion have had this concept programmed from our childhood. As a child growing older people in my church told me I could not put a price on the words of God. Okay, I thought, that makes sense to me, but then why they passed the offering plate every Saturday (our church met on Saturday)? Why do it if the words of God are free? As a child it did not make much sense to me.

Years later I finally understand this apparent contradiction. I realized that the reason they passed the plate had nothing to do with the words of God to the congregation. For if in the eyes of the elders, the words of God were free, the church and its expenses were not. Someone has to pay for them. And while we're at it, someone has to pay the pastor for his work and heating or air conditioning in the church.

I noticed that churches are not built only for prayers and love, they need money to build 3D. Adults could not pay the builders and carpets with love and prayers. The mason can not take the prayers and love go to the store and exchange it for food for his family. So if they can not do, how can you? Your church and any organized religion is a business based on spirituality and as such needs money to keep running. They give a service and require payment for these services to keep providing the service each week. Although you are a teacher giving lectures, a healer or have a center or school, your service is considered a business based on the spiritual. And because it is a business must find ways to financially support like any other business.

So why so many of us still struggling with the feeling that if we charge for our spiritual work we are bad or not spiritual enough? And why, as we see in the facts, we feel it is okay for churches but not for us? Why think that God or the Spirit wants us to a spiritual service without the aspects of the earth to support it?

I think the reason is because the powers that be here on earth want to keep disabled and under its control. I they know how a man or woman to move beyond the earth's systems, the prison of the earth, is through spiritual reconnection to your Soul / Higher Self and ascension. So to prevent this have created these beliefs and have been promoted through the spiritual institutions. As they know how strong is our need to connect to the source, with the spirit, what used to be embarrassed by obedience. Shame is a very strong emotion and slow us down to death in our history because it attacks our self esteem.

When religious institutions tell us that to be spiritual we must not charge for our services and believe in that, they have the ability to take away the power to accomplish our mission because we lack the resources to do so. I believe that our continued acceptance of this belief is what led to the cessation of the metaphysical community.

Additionally, if we try to move beyond this belief, we would be hampered because in this belief is the feeling of guilt. In other words, if we charge someone with this belief and challenges us, we will feel guilty. This has been my experience. And this guilt I might feel as if I had stolen from God. Linda belief, no?

But as we have seen, leaders the church does not believe this, right? So why is not the time to free ourselves from the chains of this belief charging to cover costs and profit taking our work, as they do?

Now go to the final step and look at this belief from the perspective of high and when we do, we can see that the Spirit does not support the belief "if you are spiritual should be free." In the universe we have a law called Cause / Effect or give / receive. Essentially says that for every cause there is less effect when we give, we receive. In other words, what goes around comes around. We also have another law that says "Everything is energy and all energy has value." So if all forms of energy has value, then it is subject to the law of cause / effect or give / receive. Then all you would not be subject to these two laws is nothing, nothing. So if your service is something spiritual and not has nothing to be subject to the law of giving and receiving, so you should get something in return for the spiritual service they provide.

Now that we've looked at this belief from the perspective of the earth and from a higher perspective is there any reason to hold this belief? Can we take steps to deal with the shame and guilt created to get rid of it? I think that we can and to do our work as teachers.

How do you recognize that you operating under this belief?

- You refuse to accept money for your services or accept a donation just love without a minimum. - Judge negatively those who accept money for their services.
Is there a way to release this belief?

1. Stay in touch with the shame that this belief remains active in your life. Review your family's beliefs about money and spirituality can help you identify it.

2. Make a deal with your Inner Child / Ego (I use both terms interchangeably because I think they are the same) and tell him not to leave him while taking the necessary actions to begin to live under the new belief that is appropriate and necessary to charge for your services. Let him know that when people come and cast his pity on you because you're not operating in the new belief, you will not take this shame for you not buy.

keys to move out of this belief is in contracts with the Inner Child / Ego. The one mentioned above is the largest contract to do but there are others that are necessary to maintain the main contract. The ego will not let you let go of those beliefs if he believes that they give you the acceptance and love they need to survive. So if you want your ego to cooperate and accept the new belief, you do way contracts safeguard their existence while letting go of the old and accept the new.

As I explain in "The 3rd Key of Compassion", the Inner Child / Ego equates with death and rejection block anything that threatens their survival. A new belief may threaten you, so take steps to make sure your inner child is safe. Once this is resolved, I was able to move beyond this belief and my financial situation has improved immensely.

Belief # 2: You can not be rich and famous and still be spiritual.
This belief is similar to above but extends the idea to include not only the charge for your services but transform into rich and famous as a direct or indirect result of it. This belief has plagued me for long. We have said that the possibility for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God is equal to the possibility of a camel to go through the eye of a needle. How many of us have heard this story since we were kids? In essence, what I think they are saying is that we must be poor to be spiritual, but what about those who are telling us that? Again, are they poor? Organized religions are some of the most profitable businesses and rich around us, is not it?

My feeling about this is: money and fame give people power and the more powerful you are, the less can be manipulated. The land systems are designed to keep us powerless. To do that, they need to indoctrinate the beliefs that support your goals. Of course, we agreed to this before incarnating to have to work our state of helplessness and understand our power. I do not think we understand the real power until we have experienced impotence. Additionally, we can not support people to leave their state of helplessness to personally experience what it is to find a way out of it. Therefore, I feel that none of us are victims. We just need to see this belief and its authors from an overhead perspective, thanks for the lessons and move on.

How do you recognize that you are operating under this belief?
From my experience, people who still operate from this belief is sabotaging all the time when they start to fame and fortune. For example, they suddenly become ill or create a family crisis. Regardless of how they create the sabotage, intent on a subconscious level is always the same, stop the drive in which they are able to build fame and fortune.

Is there a way to release this belief?
1. Ask your Inner Child / Ego show you where in the past have fame and fortune you have been injured. Before giving this step, you need to re-establish an open dialogue with your Inner Child.
2. Once he / she has shown you this event, and perhaps several, validates your right to feel those feelings about the incident.
3. Once he / she feels accepted, and you know this by asking him / her if you continue to feel that kind of pain. If your ego says no, then ask if you are willing to take a decision to create a new life (a life of recognition and financial security). If your ego says yes, then call your Higher Self / Soul and ask your Inner Child / Ego you make an agreement estableciento your soul will guide you both in this life and that you and your Child / Ego agree to follow.
There is more to release this belief and work with the Inner Child and the Alma and you can read about this in the "4th Key of Compassion." Now let's review the three most challenging fears stop us to manifest money. (See Part 2 of this article.)

In Service, Starr Jelaila
Author Bio Jelaila Starr is a messenger Nibiruan Council of the Galactic Federation. She is the author of two books, We are the Nibiruans and Bridge of Reunion. As a gifted psychic and intuitive counselor, Jelaila works with individuals to help them with emotional clearing, healing relationships. Jelaila's unique approach enables her clients to discover who they are, what they came to do and how. Jelaila can be found in the Email: Website: (Note: She speaks English) English translation: Veronica Hernandez, http://www.reskarendaya.comNota translator : These translations are registered copyright, is forbidden to use it for profit.

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Transformándote in a Happy Teacher (Part 2)

For Jelaila Starr

A look at the beliefs and fears block your ability to manifest money.

Once we became aware of these beliefs and do the inner work to release them, we may find ourselves controlled by fear contained in these beliefs. Take a look at this.

Fear # 1: If I become rich and famous through of my spiritual work, I will be rejected by the people I love and those whom I offer my services.

In my experience those of us with this issue, we fear the envy of others and the rejection that results from this fear, rather than to care for our welfare. As a result we unconsciously block the opportunities that come our way, which may lead to accumulate financial wealth through our spiritual work. I think that as we are concerned about being accepted by others, will be controlled by this fear.
What I can tell if I have this fear?

- Do you feel you have to give money to those they ask .- You feel guilty or embarrassed when someone says something like "you do not know how I feel because you have to worry about paying the bills." - Do you feel that because you have money you should offer your services for free. - Do you feel you should work hard so that others may feel that you are equal to those who have no money. - Feel that somehow you demean yourself and / or your skills for those who have no money you feel you must accept .- apologize for having money when others do not. - Afraid that others think you are less spiritual because they have money.

How I can integrate this fear?
The way I have learned to integrate this fear, once Moreover, it is by working with the Inner Child. When we begin to give love and acceptance it deserves our Inner Child, making contracts and therefore build trust with him / her, we should not worry about what others think about us and our financial success. We can not give money to others just to continue loving. We should not diminish us ourselves or our abilities that we only considered equal.

Fear # 2: If I become rich and famous through my spiritual work, I will not be able to maintain the consistent level of power needed to handle my responsibilities, therefore fail and reject me.

This fear haunts us a lot of us and I'm still struggling to integrate all the various ways that controls my life. When we have this fear, our fear of rejection for not being able to maintain the level of service that people are accustomed to receiving from us is stronger than our fear of not having money. The way this works for me is afraid to resist the next step, the step that will take me to the next level of service and financial abundance. Or, create something that is a pioneer to quit just before completion.

I was in contact with this fear a few months ago. I explain. There have been two important occasions when I developed a concept that was new only for another to take and become a very profitable enterprise. It seems that the intrinsic in the life of a visionary is a contract with the soul to endure long periods of time where money is limited because its new vision or concept has not been understood by the public.

I spent 6 years developing the concept of business network, while redefining what caused the reduction in my cash flow to the point that discourages me and I left. I was tired of shortages each month even though I knew that if I could stay long enough, make it. People loved the concept and helped immensely, but not enough people using it to pay the bills. Now recently I received an email from a friend with a URL of a website. It was a page of a person who had taken my idea and made a franchise! He's doing a lot of money. I was very upset about this but when I was finally ready to see why this had happened, I had to admit that I had not done so because he was afraid that if successful, would not be able to sustain the level of responsibility necessary to keep it going and perhaps fail. This would be a fate worse than death because people would know my deepest weaknesses. When we have this fear is in our lives because we have the pattern of giving too much and do not store enough energy reserve for ourselves.

How I can know if I have this fear?
- feel resistance to take the next step and in the most extreme experience anxiety attacks when you are confronted with it. - You have multiple reasons, circumstances and excuses for not supporting you move forward, many of which appear on the surface to be completely logical and legitimate .- You experience frequent episodes of wear, much more than a person without this fear.

"How I can integrate this fear? We
integrate this fear by setting personal limits on how much time we spend serving others and using agreements permitting we serve know what our limits. The limits are as good as the agreements used to express them. Other agreements that allow us to integrate this fear are what we need to do with our Inner Child. The most important is to agree not to abandon our inner child when you feel pain at the rejection of others because we keep our boundaries to meet their needs at the time.

Fear # 3: If I become famous because of my spiritual work will be hurt.
How many lives have contacted us past when we were killed for being leaders and talk about what we know, or hidden knowledge sharing with the public? As previously stated the two fears, this fear can also block our financial wealth.

I have been fortunate to have some financial success in my spiritual work but not wealth, Jonathan and I are able to afford what we need. But this still creates large drops in our finances and have become more frequent since I am focused on integrating every last vestige of this silly fear in my life. Can you tell me if this does not frustrate me? (* Grin *)

I know I can have more money now if I'm willing to be public but I'm afraid to expose myself to that degree. Deep inside me is the feeling that I'm safe, that will cause someone harm, he has received in the past of someone he trusted to protect me. I found several past lives where this has happened and I still feel that my body responds to those memories with physical symptoms like my throat suddenly closes or a terrible pain I burn in my chest and wrists. So I know I'm struggling with this.

What I can tell if I have this fear?
- Your finances will sink suddenly .- I resist a new way to begin to work .- suddenly experiencing physical symptoms that have not had before or that you did not have long.
I found that those with this fear is based on a soul level to link their financial success with a level of service and public exposure. They do this to motivate the necessary levels to eventually fulfill their mission.

I am very conscious of the fact that I have intentionally linked my financial wealth of public exposure as a way of helping to jump the obstacle to expose the extent of what I've done before, a vastness that end with my death. At each time the opportunity presents itself I go through the same signals anger, resistance and fear. The only thing that motivates me to move through this fear and integrate is the strong fear of not having enough money to pay bills and do what I do. I reached the point in my life when I'm not satisfied just to cover my expenses, I want enough to buy new clothes, a weekend travel to the mountains with my husband or buy a pedigreed cat. Therefore, this standard of living helps my spiritual growth because as soon as the money stops coming, I move to action.

How I can integrate this fear?
1. Ask your soul to show you that fear is causing the blockage of the flow of money in your life. 2. Once you have the answer, ask your Inner Child / Ego show you past lives where fear has manifested itself and the events that occurred. 3. Once he / she has shown you a past life, and may be several, validates their right to have those feelings and let him know him / her the right to block anything that would cause those results nuevamente.4 manifest. Once he / she feels validated, you can tell this by asking your Inner Child / Ego if you continue to feel that kind of pain. If he says no, ask if you are willing to make a decision that could create a new kind of life (a life of recognition). If he / she says yes, then call your Higher / Alma and ask him to make an agreement with your Soul so that both direct to this new life you and your Inner Child agree to live.

Again, there are more agreements can be made for additional support and to ensure that the Inner Child agrees not to block you and keep your financial abundance.

In conclusion, I know there is more than can be said about these fears and beliefs that block us financially. As said earlier, I wanted to expose some of the core beliefs. The solution always seems to be working with the Soul / Higher Self and our Inner Child / Ego. At least this has been my experience. Continue with this theme in articles following which I will address some tips and lessons I learned on the spiritual path to help avoid financial downturns that happen only because of not knowing enough about how the mind works.

Until then, continued to be your friend and companion, Jelaila
Author Bio Jelaila Starr is a messenger Nibiruan Council of the Galactic Federation. She is the author of two books, We are the Nibiruans and Bridge of Reunion. As a gifted psychic and intuitive counselor, Jelaila works with individuals to help them with emotional clearing, healing relationships. Jelaila's unique approach enables her clients to discover who they are, what they came to do and how. Jelaila can be found in the Email: Website: (Note: She speaks English)
English translation: Veronica Hernandez, http://www.reskarendaya.comNota of Translator: These translations are registered copyright, is forbidden to use it for profit.

Interior Frozen Yogurt


Facing the Fear of Commitment
Starr Jelaila For

Those on the spiritual path they have taken the decision to ascend along with Mother Earth to the 5th. Dimension, at some point come to understand what this ascension means. You realize that means clear emotional blockages and take the denser energies contained in each and transmuted into compassion. Compassion, as science has recently discovered, is what changes our DNA. In essence, decode DNA.

To clarify we must integrate our emotional blocks that create fears. In this article, I explain how I used the tools (Multidimensional Guides de la Compasión) otorgadas por mis guías del Consejo Nibiruano para empezar a clarificar las capas de mis bloqueos emocionales acerca del compromiso para que pudiera abrir mi corazón a una relación. Espero que te ayude a hacer lo mismo…Jelaila

En una calurosa y airosa tarde de Las Vegas en enero de 1998, mi compañero de vida, Jonathan y yo intercambiamos promesas. En el silencio de una encantadora y pequeña capilla, rodeados de nuestros mejores amigos, prometimos amarnos y honorarnos hasta que la muerte nos separara. Acordamos estar comprometidos en cuerpo, mente y alma a esta unión que estábamos creando en ese día especial. Mientras iba caminando de la capilla en el brazo de mi guapo compañero, I never suspected the fear that it would face in the coming months in order to keep that commitment.

Six months later in June, we decided to move to Los Angeles (the hometown of Jonathan) was the next step in our spiritual journey. With great trepidation and sadness, I sold my furniture, packed up my glass, I kissed goodbye to my youngest son and I turned my face into an uncertain future. Since I have memory usage of Los Angeles had represented me very afraid. Why?, I can not say. I had never wished to visit, let alone live there, and then there we were, the weekend of July 4, my beloved cat Biijai dozing in the back window of the car, and my new husband by my side, driving the 1700 miles to sunny LA

was emotionally agree with this move until we reached the edge of town and saw the sign saying "Entering the city limits of Los Angeles. " Then like a bizarre scene of a science fiction movie, it happened. A negative energy cloud descended on me devoured in its terrifying fog. Suddenly I felt I could not breathe. Quickly got off the windowpane struggling for breath. Inside, I struggled frantically feeling like a caged animal against his will. The emotional pain threatened to consume me.
When I looked, I saw a look of happiness and relief on his face. He was feeling the opposite. He was finally home! What an amazing, one of us was ecstatic happiness and the other emotionally suffocated as they entered another dark night of the soul "and I could hardly contain myself to go to his seat and strangle him! That was my welcome to the city of movies.

Several days later, the rest of my belongings arrived by truck from Kansas. My glassware, clothing and other personal accessories arrived intact. There was only one disaster minor, and was behind the beginning of what would become my rash engagement ring. I opened a small plastic refractories containing my cosmetics and personal items only to find that I use to shave wax was poured. What a mess! I used a liquid called Goof-Off to remove the gum. I remember saying to myself as I sat on the floor outside the bathroom, which should take off my ring before you start cleaning, but that thought left my mind as fast as it came.

Two days later, I awoke with a strong rash under my wedding ring. Numerous blisters were not only small but itched horribly painful. Formed a ring around my finger. Immediately I attributed it to the cleaner he had used, and silently scolded me for not having removed the ring before you start to clean the wax. I got up and put anti itch cream. This alarmed me somewhat because I had never experienced anything like it before.

I decided not to take off the ring because I felt that the cream would fix the problem but did not. A week later I was still there. Finally I took off my ring because the pain from the blisters had become unbearable. I stood by my bed and I took off my ring finger while my eyes filled with tears. I felt like a total failure. Inside of me knew that this rash was not caused by the cleaner, but had been caused by my fear of commitment, my fear of being married.

After days of denial, I finally opened it and talked about the rash. With tears of frustration, I confessed I did not know what to do. Had tried to wash the ring professionally, soak it, hydrogen peroxide, boiling water, but nothing helped. Every time I tried to use my ring, the rash persisted. Only when I removed for several days, the blisters have dried, I removed the scales and the swelling disappeared.

The weeks turned into months and I still could not wear my engagement ring for more than a few hours without my finger back to the damn rash. It was embarrassing to be in public with my fingers red and swollen and my engagement ring on my right hand. I felt I had a sign on my head saying "marital failure. You can not compromise "was full of fear, remorse, guilt and shame.

Of course, another manifestation of this fear of commitment began to appear. The intimacy in our marriage disappeared. It was hard to be sexual when you're consumed with guilt because your partner knows you're keeping some part of you closed.

both started to gain weight and become ill. Jonathan had lung congestion and chronic cough, and if this were not enough, her depression returned leaving without doing anything for days at a time. I, on the other hand, had the joint of my left knee was so swollen and in so much pain I could not walk for days other than a severe pain in my upper back. Sometimes my upper back and neck muscles got so tight that I was causing me headaches spasms that lasted three days and not removed with Tylenol or Excedrin for migraines.

A finales de agosto, Jonathan había tenido que enfrentar el hecho de que su compañía de 12 años estaba a punto del fracaso. Se había asociado con dos personas varios meses antes porque quería retirarse. Ellos habían acordado comprarle la compañía, pero antes de que el trato estuviera hecho, tomaron algunas malas decisiones de negocios. Jonathan enfrentó una ruina financiera pues no le habían pagado y la compañía estaba todavía a su nombre. Como si no fuera suficiente, esta situación lo mandó directo a una depresión donde se quedó por meses. En pocas semanas lo vi transformarse del fuerte, poderoso y exitoso hombre de negocios a un compañero destruido, deprimido y sin esperanza. Su vida estaba en ruinas y yo estaba ahí sólo para recordarle las cosas que ahora no podía proveer.

Empecé una cruzada personal para salvar a mi marido, nuestro matrimonio y a mi misma. Empecé a cuidar de Jonathan. Cada vez que se deprimía, trataba de ayudarle a ver el valor en la pérdida de su compañía y nuestra ruina financiera para que saliera adelante, pero entre más empujaba, más se resistía y sumergía en su cueva. Sentía que tenía todas las respuestas y que si tan sólo me escuchara e hiciera lo que yo decía, él, y nosotros, estaríamos bien. ¡Hablando de desilusiones! Mis guías han de haber estado agitando sus cabezas asombradas pensando que todo their training had been for nothing. * Sigh ... *

After several weeks without any change, I began to believe that he wanted to continue being a victim, drowning in self-pity. Do not want to get up and move on. The more she resisted my attempts to care for, the more I was terrified and furious. I became very critical of him and everything he did. With all my training in higher dimensional knowledge, could not change no matter how hard I tried and finally had to admit my defeat. I realized that her depression, feelings of defeat, self-hatred, and disease were more overweight beyond my ability to resolve them. I thought our marriage was over, and therefore it was time for me to leave. I did not realize he was reflecting me.

Once I gave up, I cried desperately nights. I was really scared and rash on my finger is expanded to the next. Kansas missed, my heart was broken, I had left my beloved child so far and I was unsuccessful in my marriage. It was one of the lowest periods of my life, I was filled with ice cream and chips.

Finally recovered my strength because I am a survivor of heart. I did the only thing I had my training taught to do and was asking for help to my soul and then stay open and willing to follow his advice. Had been well trained at this since I started my work for the Council Nibiruan few years ago and knew that when all else failed, was the only thing that could have unequivocally. Then I called my soul and said "Maebel Lee, what is it? Why I can not make it go away? I leave this hell but I can not see any way out! Please Show it to me!

Mi Alma responded immediately to my request showing my reflection in the behavior of my husband. Unfortunately, I was so blind to see it, but my soul did not surrender. Physical symptoms continued during September and October. Finally, in early November after much struggle and pain. I got it.

had been invited by Standing Elk to Knowledge Conference to Star in Sedona, Arizona. The day we went to the conference, I got my engagement ring in his right hand. I plan to return the appropriate finger of my presentation just before the Sabbath and keep it there until I went to the conference in the afternoon. That way I could hide the fact that there was a problem in my marriage. But something happened on Saturday morning that would eliminate completely the need to change fingers.

My Soul gave me a dream that I got in touch with the fears that were causing the rash. I dreamed about my parents and their marriage, I finally understood that my fear of commitment and a rash on my ring came from my fear of ending up like them, and that their marriage could be compared to civil war.

was gaining weight and I tried for that. And I was afraid Jonathan rejected and criticized me for this, as my mother had been for my father. My mother was a beautiful and thin when she married but within 5 years he became fat, sick and bitter. Their marriage had become a prison and felt with 4 children, there was no exit. I used to tell myself "God, do not let me end up like my mom." Now what was not exactly how it was?

My father could not bear the figure of overweight people, made him feel sick, and here he was with a wife he no longer felt attracted, but could not leave without suffering a fate worse of guilt overwhelming. His departure was hiding in their books and work leaving my mother abandoned, resentful and rejected. For me, her dating life was a fate worse than death. Of course it was barely 25 when he had fallen into the marriage. As I thought

in all this, I realized that the answer had to be found in changing my behavior and perspective on this issue. If you could change the way we saw our signs, integrate the fear that represented me apart to free myself from this Dark Night of the Soul.

Then I started again to use my training starting with the rash, I took each symptom through the Formula of Compassion. I found the lesson that the rash was helping me to see. I was showing that he was afraid of a big commitment and did not have agreements with my inner child or my partner to face them. Then I made the deal with my inner child to accept being overweight as their way of protecting our body until I could do for us.

saw the pain in my upper back as my teacher, teaching me that when I take the responsibility for the emotional state of someone else, that burden becomes too heavy and after a while, very painful. No need to fix the pain of Jonathan.

The neck pain was teaching me how stubborn he was about letting go and allowing Jonathan was in his depression and pain. I did not want to feel your pain, so I tried to get him out. I was not accepted as it was, but instead, was trying to get out of the way I wanted it to be. Not very loving me.

And finally, there was pain in the knee. Wow, what a teacher. I was showing that was actually afraid to change direction and create a new way of being, a way to allow others to be who they were and be in pain but I rescued them. It was about learning to let them be in their lessons without trying to take them out.

And then there was the depression of Jonathan, who was the most feared. I found that the value of his depression was that allowed him to avoid the pain of guilt and shame and survive until it could be responsible for their choices and find the value in them. Depression was a kind of morphine and helped him go through weeks of hell following the collapse of their world.

Once I understood these things, and not rejecting, but valuing them, I felt a great appreciation for Jonathan and the role he had been acting for me. To become the epitome of all that fear in a partner - anger, depression, weakness, obesity and illness, I had the opportunity to experience my worst fears and integrate them. Now I appreciate these symptoms in him and myself, because I am not afraid or fear being rejected by them. Each of them had great value as teachers. And thanks to these fears, manifesting as symptoms, because of what my parents had experienced and resolved never to this day, I found the reason I was afraid of commitment. But now I found the value in them, and not afraid of commitment. The fear that had imprisoned me in my Dark Night of the Soul had freed me!

silently in my heart, I took Jonathan through the Formula of Compassion and then freed him from the role. I then spoke with Jonathan telling him my dream and realization. I thanked him for loving me enough to cope with the disease, overweight and self-condemnation he suffered for me to accept this behavior and no longer feared. I felt gratitude y aprecio dentro de mi corazón.

Mi Noche Oscura del Alma había terminado y había sido una lección muy poderosa sobre el compromiso. ¡Whew! Pero ahora sabía con certeza profunda que Jonathan me amaba y que me podía comprometer en nuestro matrimonio. Puse mi anillo de compromiso de vuelta en su dedo y caminé hacia el brillo de una bella mañana en Sedona.

Han pasado casi dos años desde esa Noche Oscura del Alma y el salpullido ha regresado de vez en cuando junto con otros síntomas. Cuando por primera vez regresaron, estaba bastante enojada sintiendo que había retrocedido y toda mi clarificación y trabajo de integración habían sido en vano. Pero una vez más my guide came to my rescue and explained for the umpteenth time that our fears are contained in emotional blocks that are onions. With each experience, integrate and peel another layer. Often forget this.
Jonathan and I use our training in Multidimensional Guides Compassion to deal with each lesson and in so doing we increase our confidence and commitment to us. To this day, April 11, 2000, we only experience these symptoms from time to time. Each time a new layer is to be released. We have learned to accept it and not worry about that because there is no place where we can be sure that in our marriage. Shocking, right?

Summary: I feel that would help outline the steps I took to integrate my fear of commitment. Here they are:

1. Using the steps of the Formula of Compassion, I asked my soul to show me the lesson I was trying to learn. I asked him to teach me in 24 hours or less and in a way that could not misunderstand. I also added an addendum requesting that if for some reason did not see me follow her showing up and I knew it would no longer receive. (Mi Alma showed it to me immediately. Only you could not see)

2. Remained open for the answer (read the Key to Open the Door). I also looked up the connection between my physical symptoms and my lesson, for example, fear. I used the book by Louise Hay, Heal your body to give me some clues. My soul gave me the rest.

3. Using the second step of the Formula of Compassion I looked for other actors in this lesson and found my husband was playing the role of marital my worst nightmare.

4. Remained open and the time spent waiting for my inner child could see that I could survive this experience (read The relationship Soul / Ego). During this time I had frequent conversations with her to allow you to express your fears about this situation continuous. At the end of every conversation we confirm our commitment to continue the lesson until the fear was gone (not always easy, but simple to do).

5. Continue asking my soul for the answer and when he had spent enough time to know my inner child had survived and could continue to survive with this fear, the answer came back in the form of a clear dream about my parents.

6. With the understanding of sleep, was ready to see the aspect of me that Jonathan was reflected through their behavior. She was willing to see that for 4 months had experienced this fear and had survived. I spoke to my inner child and remember that there was no need to fear this more, and doing, we integrate this fear. We also changed our behavior. We began to allow others to feel their pain without need for repair. This eliminated the symptoms I was having.

7. Jonathan shed their role from my heart. I also freed myself.

8. Lesson complete.

Jelaila StarrConsejo

Postscript: The tools listed are the training I received from my guides and they are written as series pamphlets titled Multidimensional Guides Compassion. They are the tools of higher dimension given to me by my guides Nibiruan 9D Council and have changed my life. Learn more about these powerful tools at our website:

About the author: Jelaila Starr is a channel, speaker and internationally known Nibiruan Council of the Galactic Federation. She is the author of We the Nibiruans and Bridge of Reunion. Through her lectures, workshops, articles and media appearances, Jelaila message has touched the hearts of people around the world providing hope and understanding.

As with Don psychic / intuitive counselor, Jelaila works with individuals to assist them with emotional clearing, sound relationships, and DNA Recoding. Jelaila's unique approach enables its customers to discover who they are, what they came to do and how. Jelaila can be reached at (816) 444-4364. Email: Website:
Translation: Myriam Ojeda, Mexico City,

Monday, December 8, 2008

Thank You For The Referral Cards

astral travel?

Technical Astral Travel

Sixto Paz Wells

required for the split including a comfortable position, preferably lying in bed or on the floor on a blanket, or sitting on a couch a good back and great arm rests, and also a good breathing and deep relaxation, previously achieved. After a relaxed start our work in order to leave slowly and step by step, our physical body for a short period of time, trying above all, lose the fear to stop feeling it.

The first step as we said to achieve the splitting is achieved with slow, deep breaths a relaxed, no longer perceive our bodies. Then, we imagine that we are like a floating ball of light inside the container that is our body, placing it exactly in our solar plexus. We imagine then that comes as little sphere of light hovering above our heads, as if the head is stretched, being able to see our body from a height. After a reasonable time back, falling on our heads and repositioned in the chest, feeling always that brilliant sphere.

concentrating We further attempt to which began swinging a pendulum, so we will try out the sides of the body or swinging back and forth. Once outside we turn and we will try to see our physical body lying there where you are. After a while back in the same way, going into where we go.

always another way out from the solar plexus, floating feeling within the body and starting spinning at high speed, so that the ends centrifugal force us out of our body. We were floating above the body and back, just reverse the rotation (centripetal force) or concentrate on a toe or hand feeling it, to fall into the body as a feather in the wind.

We can also try to slide on your feet or falling backwards in the back as in a pool. And outside the body, we always turn to watch us as we are and see everything around us to do after confirmation. To return, you can simply desired.

Another way is to imagine relaxation after we got up leaving your body on the side. Then remember all the details of the room and then try to move toward the nearest door, which will open, hence always in the imagination, went through the house (the place), opening and closing the door behind us. We seek to go outside into the street watching everything. Then return, turning our steps, to meet our body, which will enter slowly. Having completed this mental recognition of the place, you should have proper concentration and orientation as to try the split pudiéndolo really seriously and yet feel, making us feel.

The recommendation is that we must focus our attention on the process of letting go and not have to worry about to feel the body in the process of abandoning it, or it will draw us quickly on.

Another step would be, if we do not accommodate much earlier, without moving to try to incorporate our astral body, as sitting down and turning to see our face, as if we were facing a mirror, then get up by standing and watching the body lying on the floor or sitting as we find left.

When we chose to rise above the head, will try to look at everything from above, reaching out to touch the ceiling of the room and remembering there, our astral vehicle can traverse, for which we can float and go outside, trying to look at some external event or circumstance takes us outside after a verification of the truthfulness of the experience. We may for example, go to our respective homes or family and friends, paying attention to something that later we can compare.

Once we find out from us, and we exceeded the feeling of fear, we can move forward by looking at all that is around us, flying or through doors and walls because the astral is not subject to the laws of physical material. It is always good to ask at the beginning of practice, a special protection to aliens or teachers guides light, it is likely that one of them is waiting to guide us in astral.

astral distances are covered at the speed of thought so you can easily travel to other planets without the need for space suits, and until we know unknown corners of our planet through walls, rocks and even mountains complete. We will also return it calmly and without haste, trying not to forget the details of the experience, and not, simply want to return, trying to concentrate on some part of our body, we enter smoothly. To travel to other worlds is necessary to have great vitality and this is achieved by slow, deep breaths, so as a natural food una vida sana.

La práctica del viaje astral se dirige como una relajación normal y cuando llegamos al momento en que ha de iniciarse la salida, hemos de sugerir que empiece el proceso de desprendimiento sin temor y con confianza. Sugerimos entonces los diversos sistemas que ahora ya conocemos, dando un margen de unos quince a veinte minutos de experiencia antes de iniciar el retorno, el cual se dirige como trayéndolos de una meditación profunda.