Monday, December 8, 2008

Best Laptop Soundcard



Sixto Paz Wells

The first thing you should remember to start dreams is to go to bed early. A person tired, exhausted and tense, with a deficit of rest, he can hardly remember your dreams, so she needs to make up those deficits, sleeping early, giving us time to relax in bed and then get to make a habit of going to bed early to rise early, so we will harmony with the Sun and Moon, restoring health and inner harmony ..

Al bed early and have time to relax your body and make a brief meditation, which leads us to the astral world in a good vibration and mental attitude.

are advised to lie flat in bed without a pillow to begin programming. We will then the bases of the fingers on your chest beneath the sternum, slightly above the navel. Remain bent arms at the sides of the body, heels together or rubbing. Then take deep breaths through your nose, and belly, with his mouth slightly closed, resulting in a silent breath trying to fill the maximum capacity of the lungs. We five breaths using the diaphragm like a bellows, making perfect triangles: inhale as slowly as possible, while retaining the same time we inhale and exhale the same time withheld. While making this process, we will mentally repeating phrases like "I'll remember my dream (to breathe) I'll know I'm dreaming ... (to hold) ... and I will be guided or assisted by beings of light (to breathe)" .

At the end of the deep breaths we can use a pillow if you want, and we will lie on the right side in the so-called Lion's position, this is the leg and right arm outstretched, while the left arm and left leg remains flexed. The chin rest on the shoulder. All this makes the split position and breathing, not pushing the heart. It is recommended to take this position after having done our very personal, customary and folk trends in bed.

An important part of the process of remembering dreams is that upon waking in the morning, do not immediately open his eyes or even move, but instead, remain quiet for a while and with eyes closed done immediately and there, memory of the astral experience. We do so because if we moved, shaking our vehicles subtle astral confuse the conscious memory. It also happens that if we open our eyes to wake up, turn our attention inward toward the outside, immediately losing astral memory, distracting and automatically forget the experience.

astral memory to enter the conscious is very fragile, because there are mechanisms called "astral veil", which prevent the memories and astral consciousness for those who still are not ready.

We therefore eye closed with minimal movement would sue us stretch your arm to reach a notebook and pencil available to take note of the astral experience previously and will try to remember the details at the moment. Annotated to leave, we go back to sleep without fear of forgetting, as waking definitely writing will serve as the key to memory.

Sometimes you dream that dream, and this occurs when one remembers a dream inside. There are also cases where one wakes up and can not move the body, remaining as if paralyzed. This failure occurs when we aim and we woke up before he re-entered the body staying above it. In this case it is recommended to focus on body parts and try to feel in order to re-enter. There is no possibility that we stand out.

astral level it is possible that one comes to associate with kindred spirits who have never physically met, establishing a deep connection with them, and when you get to find those people know to always feel physically.

Nightmares are often in the lower astral experiences with low entities. We arrived at these experiences when we are going through a phase of high density in our vibrational life, not just by poor digestion.

an astral level can have direct contact with aliens and even climb inside their ships, as a form of preparation for subsequent physical experiences.



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