A Hathor Planetary Message Through Tom
Kenyon Note: This message is
the KA body (word of ancient Egyptian Alchemy) and discusses how you can use this unique body of energy to attract to you from the ascension energies of solar activity on the rise. For those not familiar with the KA: your body Ka is a secondary body "ceiling" which has the same shape and size as your physical body. This energy body covers the physical body and also interpenetrate. This body is sometimes called the etheric double or twin spiritual. The Ka has similarities to what has been called the body Chi in some traditions (Taoism) and the body of prana or etheric body in certain yogic traditions. By nature, the Ka can attract to each other, and then to enter the physical body, highly benevolent energies that accelerate spiritual evolution.
The Message You are now entering a more volatile period in terms of global change.
The Sun, the star of the solar planetary system, is increasing its energy potential and entering a period of increased volatility, solar flares and magnetic storms. While these actions will create real problems for you in terms of its telecommunications and weather patterns also bring a huge evolutionary potential within this solar activity we want to talk.
Like you, your sun has a light body, a solar KA, so to speak. This etheric body of the sun extends millions of miles beyond the boundaries of the sun. The Earth is deep into this field etheric auric sun, and as solar flares and solar winds that drive charged particles around you affects you physically, you also affect etherically. In fact, these highly charged particles that offer a challenge to your physical dimension is a kind of nutrition for your KA, you own etheric body.
Your attitude and your vibrational state mental / emotional is what determines whether these solar particles are a source of nutrition and evolution or are they a source of discomfort and return.
This message does not try to discuss the many physical challenges that will arise for you during this period of increasing solar activity, but rather focus the things that help you make the biggest evolutionary advantage of what is happening with the sun in your solar system.
As for solar activity there are eruptions of fire and photon energy of the sun, so there are spiritual interdimensional bursts of light from inside your body KA. Indeed, from one perspective, the increased solar activity equals the increase in the activation of KA own staff.
There are several things to suggest about the evolutionary advantage of this catalyst. This catalyst of which we speak will be extended beyond 2012 and it has to do with the flow of what is called solar winds. These are peculiar flows and magnetic photon energy that surround and penetrate the earth. When you open yourself to these special forms of energy and to incorporate them into your body KA, strengthen your KA and greatly accelerate the ascension process for you.
As these increase solar energy will also increase the volatility and uncertainty in your physical world, as well as your mental and emotional world. Impulsive behavior and irrationality will increase. There will be challenges for cognitive function and memory during these cycles of high solar activity.
To use these solar energy towards your rise in consciousness, the first step is to understand nature and not resist them.
is important to understand that the causative agent of this increased solar activity at this time is not the Sun itself, but originates from the Central Sun of our galaxy. This flow of highly catalytic energy of your Sun Central Sun is the main reason for the evolutionary potential of this particular cycle of solar activity. In turn, the Earth itself is also affected, especially through its KA - his own etheric body.
So the first thing you must understand is that there is no way to escape this evolutionary catalyst. You are here to make it through, like it or not. So the first step is to not resist what is imminent.
The second step is to embrace and use these energies to master - ride the dragon's tail, so to speak. In this case, the dragon would be the sun itself, and its tail, the solar wind. You can ascend to great heights in this period, if you have the courage and the method to do so.
The third step in this use of the solar wind is to let that affect your KA directly through an invitation, and this is done from the heart. Specifically you have to choose, through a personal act of your will, go into the harmonic vibration of appreciation or gratitude.
is important to understand why we suggest this. Not that express appreciation or gratitude to the universe by solar winds themselves. You are choosing to enter one of these highly emotional state because they create an "attractor" of Energy. In other words, you enter a state of gratitude or appreciation for practical reasons.
These emotional states increase your harmonics receptive KA, transforming your whole body receptive KA in a vortex, drawing to itself the photonic and magnetic energy of the sun and rapidly accelerating the rate of vibration in your KA or etheric body.
is through your KA will be entering in the ascension process. It goes without saying that there are many ways to enter the stairs leading up to higher states of consciousness, but no matter how they do or by what spiritual lineage is achieved, the Ka (your Ka) is the base.
create an "attractor" Energy
With this simple but highly effective method, place your awareness on your second body, your KA. This energy body is the same shape and size as your physical body but is energetic nature, rather than being made of flesh and blood. Pervades all space in your body and therefore every cell of your body is in the KA. Your KA is also highly receptive to the subtle energies, especially all forms of light and magnetic energy photons and charged that comprise the solar wind.
When your consciousness on your backside KA, consciously and intentionally generate the state to feel appreciation or gratitude through an act of personal will. This changes the harmonic of your KA to a higher vibratory rate, you need to be transformed into an "attractor" of Energy.
while continuing to hold the harmonic emotional appreciation or gratitude, know (realize) you're immersed in the subtle photon energies of solar winds. You literally you bathing in these energies, whether you're aware of them or not. To the extent that hold this consciousness, along with the emotional state of appreciation or gratitude, your KA will automatically draw to itself the powers of the solar winds that favor the rise.
Spend as much time as possible in this state of high receptivity, participating in the solar wind and allowing your energies KA receive these powerful processors and trucks.
You will benefit greatly from the solar wind if you practice often and regularly this simple method.
Meditation Crystal Palace Interior
experiment also suggest that, occasionally, regularly, with the sound meditation you previously gave, entitled The Crystal Palace Interior. (At the end of this message are the links to the instructions for meditation, including an audio track for this sound meditation.)
as we see now your future could be, you, collectively, are facing a big storm. The birth of this storm comes from the heart of the cosmos and is nothing less than the messenger of enormous change. Do not be afraid of their strength. Embrace and móntenla to the heights of his own consciousness. In doing so, they will become a light for themselves and for each other. The Hathors
January 3, 2011
(information given on January 3, 2011 and published on January 27, 2011)
Link for instructions and audio file Sound Meditation Crystal Palace Interior
http://tomkenyon.com/el-palacio-de- crystal-interior-and-open-the-halls-of-amenti
Thoughts and Observations by Tom
Hathors The method to create an "attractor" Energy is the crux of this message. Having worked with this many times and in many situations, I can honestly say that produces the effects. And it's worth the attention of those wanting to experience the energy of the climb, especially during times like these for optimal evolución acelerada (vía los vientos solares).
Una de las bellezas de este método simple pero elegante, es que construye el KA bastante rápidamente y puede hacerse sin pases mágicos, es decir, que uno puede enfrascarse en ello en pocos minutos sin nada de preliminares. Pero hay algunas fases críticas de transición en el método, que creo que sería útil explicarlas un poco más.
Se aconseja un poco de prudencia.
Antes de seguir, creo que sería bueno insertar un aviso de cautela. Este no es un método para los que buscan curiosidades vanas. Cargar el cuerpo KA con energía extra es un asunto potente y profundo que, en mi opinión, no debiera ser emprendido lightly.
One reason for this is that when the KA is energized substantially increase the likelihood that you will experience the physical world as illusory.
For example, after particularly heavy session with the method (ie, create an attractor of Energy), often (but not always) experience my KA as vivid and as real as my physical body. In these cases I am aware of my usual physical environment (through my five senses), but has a surreal tonal quality, and sometimes I have the peculiar feeling of being in two bodies simultaneously, the physical and the KA.
In fact this is one of the major health care changes that can occur when working with the KA. I think it would be nice to be awake to this possibility. So when and if it occurs, will not think you're losing your mental domain of reality - and that is why I'm working on this issue.
I just say that if you practice the method will eventually feel the physical reality in new ways, especially when you reach a critical KA. With "critical mass" I mean those moments when your KA is loaded to a level that affects your perception of reality.
At such times, may you continue to experience the world through the five senses and probably will, but you could see through the play of Maya (illusion of the senses and the sensory world). This can be fun, hilarious and happy, or otherwise, frankly misleading.
In fact, the KA can be loaded, as previously mentioned, in the very strange perception of having two bodies at the same time, one physical and one energy. While this is really a sign of progress in terms of developing the KA, can be a challenge for the mind if you're not prepared.
The cause mental disorientation see the world as an illusion should not be underestimated, especially if you're not prepared intellectually and philosophically this perception.
Of course this leads to a conundrum: the world is real or just an illusion wrought by the dance of subatomic quarks and driven by the peculiarities of the quantum realm? To me, the world is both real and unreal. And what determines our perception of the world depends on what is happening in our brains, and in the case of KA, in our etheric twin too.
The Niyama of ethical restraint
personally think that if you choose to load your ascension energies KA needs to have a philosophical foundation on personal ethics, by which I mean that enables you to do and what not let you do.
The reason for this is that when your KA is energized, naturally arise certain types of powers of the mind / spirit. In my opinion, it is also vital to understand that sometimes the negative aspects of the life of your consciousness can also arise
This uncomfortable situation inherent (ie, making the humble awareness that there is something negative within you) is actually an opportunity for greater understanding of yourself (if you choose to embrace the consciousness of yourself instead of unconsciousness)
Simply put, the Niyama of restriction helps you place a limit on your conduct, whether manifested (The world) or subtle (in your inner worlds.)
remains at your discretion to determine what you will choose ethical restrictions. But for those who have not thought much about this, I offer a simple and highly profitable niyama.
"I will endeavor to do no harm either to myself or others."
Al strive to not hurt or harm others, you create a mental ally serve you and to others, to climb the ladder in your self-consciousness to higher states of being.
But ... if you are unwilling or unable to embrace this simple restriction of your conduct or other of your choice, then I strongly suggest you excerpts in this way to build your KA: Practical Suggestions
According to Hathor, every living being will be affected by the solar wind, whether to invite those powers or not. For some of us, these energies will be directly maddening and difficult to handle. Others will use the same energy to lift and move up the tonal scale of consciousness promoted.
There are many degrees or levels in the ascension process, and if you have not previously read the message of the Hathors entitled The Art of Jump Time Lanes I suggest you consider doing so. Explains the basic concept of the rise and how to manage it. You can find it Hathor in the archives of our website.
Link: Skip The Art of Time Lanes.
If you are prepared for rapid expansion of consciousness and activate your KA that this method offers, I have a few practical suggestions to give.
First, find your balance point. When working with the method will find your own comfort zone, that is, how can tolerate increased energy in your KA. Do not push your limits. Be gentle and moderate for you.
also suggest not doing this just before bed, because you could not sleep! Again, everyone is different, and some may find it find it a great sedative. Not me.
Phase Transition Method
There are three key stages in this technique. Phase
Focus your mindfulness of your body KA, spiritual or etheric double twin as it has been called at times. As KA is the same size and shape as the physical body, the interior of your physical body is entirely interpenetrated by a body of energy. Phase
while maintaining the focus of your attention on the full KA body (from your head to your toes) change your emotions to the harmonic of appreciation or gratitude. You will do this simply recalling the feeling of appreciation or gratitude. This creates the harmonic required to build the "attractor" of Energy. The emotional tone is absolutely necessary to create the "attractor" of energy that Hathors described in your message. Third Phase
continues focusing your mental attention on your KA and simultaneously holding the harmonic of appreciation or gratitude, and realize (know) you're in a sea of \u200b\u200bmagnetic and photonic energies. You are immersed in the solar wind without having to do anything for that. Once you can successfully hold this concept together with the attention on your KA and the harmonic of appreciation or gratitude, you automatically KA start to attract the energies within the solar winds that favor the rise.
This phase may be difficult for beginners, because the magnetic and photonic energies of the solar wind are not presented to the five senses. These energies are too subtle to be detected by means of the senses. However, the KA body can detect and will, and draw to themselves much like a plant (using a biological metaphor) that senses the presence of water and pulls in the water it needs.
I repeat that every person is unique in how they perceive the physical and subtle worlds of consciousness. Part of the process of discovery that comes with the creation of an "attractor" Energy is to realize how you have these subtle energies and magnetic photon. As you continue working with the method you will become familiar and feel more comfortable with your personal experience of these subtle energies only.
An Experiment on Consciousness and Healing
One of the fascinating things about this method to attract energy to KA is that it can be used to send energy healing and transforming the physical body as well. KA
As interpenetrating all space of the physical body, there is no tissue, organ or system that is out of the KA. As a result, you may attract the ascension energy (via solar winds) not only to KA, but also the physical body. This is, of course, a theoretical statement which will prove whether it is true or not, through direct experience - your experience.
call this application of the Method (Create an "attractor" of Energy) An Experiment on Consciousness and Healing, because each of us will find their own way of working with the healing potential of this, which will be unique for each. Maybe some things I noticed while working on myself so can be helpful to others.
My own personal experience is that, after drawing energy from the solar wind to my KA and KA allow my body is built for a while, I move my attention to any area of \u200b\u200bmy body that needs "healing" and, as Energy follows attention, the subtle energies of my KA move into the area where I am focused.
This is not concentration. I repeat, not concentration. It's as easy as breathing or lift a pen. The subtle energy of your KA will move effortlessly to all parts of your body as you bring your attention - if you allow movement.
As the flow of subtle energy moves my KA an area of \u200b\u200bmy body that needs "support" or "healing", I feel the tissues in that area as energizing, but considerably less intense than when my KA is energized by the solar wind (via the "attractor" of energy). To me, this energizing of my cells is manifested as a physical sensation that is comforting and / or energizing to the place where I am focused. Sometimes there are different perceptions presentations interdimensional as light and sometimes sound internal (psychic).
If you choose to explore this realm of possibilities for yourself, do not doubt that you will become familiar with your experience of subtle energies healing as they flow into your physical body from the KA.
One thing to consider is that the energies of healing and transformation of the KA have a faster vibratory rate (relative to the physical body). It may therefore take place some type of detoxification psycho-spiritual energy if there is heavy congestion in an organ or body area where you are focusing.
certainly is possible to send healing and transforming energy from the Ka to an area in your physical body without uncomfortable reactions. However, if you experience discomfort, especially emotional, you might consider reading a article I wrote awhile back called psycho-spiritual detox. Thoughts and Observations, you can find in the Articles section of the website.
"Psycho-Spiritual Detox" has been translated into Castilian.
My other suggestion is to drink water if you have experienced a particularly strong response from your physical body after doing the experiment (in Consciousness and Healing). Final Thoughts
I suggest experimenting with the method (only build the "attractor" Power in itself, as described by Hathor) in short sessions to begin. Find a time and place where interrupted. Five to ten minutes is more than enough to start. Once you load the KA, spend a few minutes receiving your KA, your physical body and your immediate environment as presented to you through your five senses. This perception of your KA, your physical body and the environment will help to integrate charged energies more effectively. Remember, the reality of KA does not avoid the reality of the physical world or in your physical body. Is an enhancement of the physical: it is indeed another dimension of consciousness.
long and how often do you do to work with Method is an entirely subjective decision on your part. In addition to beginning work with curiosity, I think one of the most important things is to feel joy of creating an "attractor" of Energy. After all, as operator, would not you want that joy is part of what you think?
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