By Divine Decree, with the power and essence of God and the grace God Elohim, and Goddess my own God Presence - I forgive me and other formal and completely, for all the transgressions and beliefs of transgression that I or any aspect of my wholeness, has ever done for myself or others (through space, time and size and my whole soul and genetic lineage).
I forgive and release any trial, guilt, shame, condemnation or curse, that I or any aspect of my wholeness, has experienced or projected onto me or others (through space, time and dimensions and my whole soul and genetic lineage.)
I forgive myself and all beings for anything that I or they believe they have been unforgivable.
I forgive myself and all beings for all the lies that have committed to me, or I've committed to them. And I forgive you for all the lies I've made to me.
I forgive myself for all acts of treason towards my being and others, and I forgive all men for all acts of treason to me. I forgive myself for all the times I've cheated or others, and I forgive all people for all the times I have fooled me.
I forgive all debts that I have toward others and me! I forgive anyone who I have owed me anything or have stolen anything. And I forgive you for any time that I have because someone or someone has stolen something.
I request financial assistance for my own huge karmic overflowing, to pay any "debt" to be present and to realize that all debts and money is an illusion and that in fact I do not owe anybody anything, and nobody owes me anything really. All debts are now null and void!
I forgive myself for all the times you hurt someone in physical, emotional, mental or sexual. Or killing someone personal, deliberately or inadvertently, in my normal life or acts of war. And I forgive everyone I ever killed or injured in any way, physical, mental, mental or sexual.
I ask the Council acquittal karmic karmic karmic full and complete cleaning between myself and all those beings with whom I have had these experiences.
healthy I also release any belief that forgiveness is even necessary, or that I or anyone should or needs to be forgiven. I release and healthy pain and suffering associated with all experiences (through space, time and dimensions and my whole soul and genetic lineage) of all life in which I or any aspect of my wholeness, (a through space, time and dimensions and my whole soul and genetic lineage), related to the victim, the disempowerment, indignity, shame, bitterness, enmity, vengeance and curses ...
I release all sense of victim and all beliefs that I am a victim or have ever been a victim. I release all sense of victim and beliefs that someone has done something without the permission of my Soul, or that I've done something to someone without the permission of the Soul. I
formal and completely rescind all the votes, and break all agreements that I or any aspect of my whole has done, (through space, time and dimensions and my whole soul and genetic lineage) as I I will not forgive anyone for any reason, or I can not be forgiven by anyone for any reason, or that I or anyone does not deserve to be forgiven, or that any action by anyone, or me, is unforgivable. I also release all the vows of revenge, all the curses and projections of trial and conviction, the lies and vows to lie; and all debt agreements.
And I release the light, each and every one of the energies, entities, addictions, mechanisms, structures, implants, programs, codes, beliefs, ways of thinking, curses, judgments, perceptions and images of reality - that have supported or kept these vows or agreements.
Now open a door (tunnel, rainbow bridge) on your head towards the light. See these elements coming into the light, give them all to God.
I invoke the Lords and Ladies of Karma and all the karmic board and request absolute karmic absolution, healing, forgiveness and grace (through space, time and size and my whole soul and genetic lineage), myself and all beings partners, (and my whole soul and genetic lineage), with whom I have had these experiences and these lives.
Healing also invoke Hathor (the LEEM om ka) to our hearts and a full energy healing Violet Fire of St. Germain and the help of the Angels of the Violet Flame. We also call upon the Archangel Michael and his angels to perform a disconnect and complete disintegration of all low-dimensional psychic cords. We are Free! We are Sovereign! We are One!
healthy and I completely forgive all the lives in which I acted in any form that could be judged as dark, wrong, bad or evil. I recovered all aspects and extensions of my soul that are lost or trapped in their own feelings of trial, conviction, shame, guilt, resentment, trauma, anger and depression.
I invoke a special dispensation karmic Karmic Board, the Great White Brotherhood and Archangel Metatron, to release all this pain and suffering and a complete reconnection to unconditional love.
I now carry all of these aspects of my being back to my / our Soul / Monad, through my heart.
Watch all these aspects of Alma and extensions Soul returning to your heart and integrate them up through your Antakarana, to your Soul Star above your head, back to your soul.
I invoke karmic absolution for all mankind and offer this as a gift of my Divine Love and Compassion for the suffering of all.
also extend this gift of karmic dispensation to all beings in all dimensions, across space and time. I extend my sympathy divine essence as a gift of Grace for all to remember their true essence of Divine Love and remember that we are all divinely perfect despite what we do, think or feel.
I forgive all, through Love, Grace and Compassion that I am!
I forgive! I forgive! I forgive! We
Divine Forgiveness! We are Divine Compassion! We're Full! We are Perfect! We Love! We are Light! We are One! A HO!
Co-Create Heaven on Earth !
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