This is one of the most practical and intelligent use that brings immediate results to our world. When there is disharmony of any kind between individuals, in any human relationship, whether marital, social, commercial, political, etc. When the use of mechanical devices such as cars, washing machine, telephone, obstruction occurs in smooth operation. In every opportunity that has apparent lack of something, either money, a job or an employee who will provide efficient help. At every opportunity, immediately displays the pink flame bright, beautiful, hot "unburned" surrounded by a bright pink fog filled and bright spots. Extend it and is filling the room with her, lights throughout the house, building, around the neighborhood and let it spread throughout the city, the pink mist, luminous, they feel it is full of love. Then bring your mind to the person, entity or thing who want to make treatment and put it around the center of the light pink that you've planned out, wrap it lovingly, banal, penétrala with that light, he feels that all the LOVE DIVINE out of your heart and surrounds those whom want to help, bless a "good" Bless your DIVINE PRESENCE there and ask them to act.
The results will be amazing when it comes to washing machine, automobile, etc.., To invoke LOS ANGELES PINK FLAME, that is wrapped in light pink, these ANGELES work there and correct the apparent flaw. In all cases, and DIVINE LOVE llénate Project it on what you need help. Call
Archangel Chamuel to bar with his flame rose through the person, circumstance, situation or thing, who wants to improve.
Experiment with the pink flame. Yours visualize it turning every cell, organ or body part, it saturates your feelings and you could draw to you people or things.
Visulízala bringing you comfort and to all who suffer, especially our defenseless birds and animals, domestic animals, especially those who are homeless, those whom no one seems to want and see what wonderful is the activity of this blessed FLAME. Use it to bless all that you contact your five senses and all those whose services you use devices that expect to be perfect. PERFECTION brings about every imperfection and "erase it." Besides invoking the BIG THINGS THAT USED IN THE THIRD BEAM FOR YOU GIVE THE ADDED PRESSURE OF YOUR LOVE and see the perfection that brings to your world. PINK FLAME OF WORSHIP IS NOT THE SAME!
When a mechanical device recalls simply does NOT work, which is a divine idea of \u200b\u200bGod transmitted to humans through divine Mind through some human brain which served as a RECEIVER. Bless the idea and talk to the device. Remember that "everything" Hey, vibe, feel, has intelligence and possesses the power of interaction, expressed sympathy or antipathy, and as under the LAW OF LOVE all you back what you give, you will receive what you give, which is also LAW OF CORRESPONDENCE. It is something that works like an echo, leaving you, play what you have to touch and return back to you, but multiplied, be a blessing, love, or hate. What you give, receive. When you talk to the device, or animal or thing, remind him that he is God's idea materialized and that God made everything good for our convenience and not to our disadvantage, not to let us planted at the time that we are more need, not that cause us problems But to help us, tell him you love him and expect him good service and love. Think that the TRUTH is that the Spirit is working on that idea at all perfect, mentally surround it with light pink and pronounce the name of the Beloved CHAMUEL.La decomposition of a telephone, a phone line, etc. It is because many people instead of thanking and blessing as useful server, live denigrating him, cursing the apparatus, and quite incredibly, everything is made of atoms and all Natomas reacts to the treatment is given. The power of blessing, is more than proven. Calls for the perfect operation of all appliances you have, bless, bless all those who worked or are working in performance, thanks and thanks for any services given in return receive a blessing. The results will astound you.
At night before bed, invokes the FLAME ANGELS PINK and ask them to light the flame inside and outside your house, that surround and protect, to keep all doors and windows and shed its light to covering all the neighbors, so that everyone who touch the edge of your blanket feel the radiation of divine love and lose all desire for damaging property.
fill my world with Love: Decree for the Third Ray of God and its hierarchs color flame Rosa.
In the Name of God's Presence "I AM", and the magnetic power vested in me Holy Fire, I call to You, Beloved Lady Rowena, Dear Lord and Chamuel Lady Charity, Beloved Lady Nada, Orion and Angelica Beloved ... to fill this sacred shrine of Divine Love and Ray sent His Angels to Rosa, charge, charge every atom of this construction with the Flame of Divine Love Rosa. Also loaded my home and family, my car, my four lower vehicles, and everything with which I connected in any way with the substance of the pink flame of Divine Love. Help me hold this extraordinary activity and momentum radiation always expanding, with His assistance Cosmic. Help me to attract and expand the pink flame of divine love from within the heart of my own Triple Flame as a blessing to all life as you pass by his side.
I accept this call fulfilled as the Most Holy Name of God ... "I AM."
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