NOW is the Time
By Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
We must first transmute all human strains that are in conflict with Divine Love.
By Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
Translation: Alicia Virelli
April 14, 2011
We've all heard the quote Hopi, "We are the Ones we've been waiting for." Never in recorded history has meaning of this statement has been more or more accurate than during this Cosmic Moment. This is a crucial moment in the evolution of this planet and we are witnessing the most intensified cleansing process Humanity has experienced. We've all heard the saying "You can not pour new wine into old bottles, lest the new wine is contaminated." This is a powerful metaphor for what is happening on Earth at this time. For our NEW CAUSE planetary Divine Love manifests itself physically on Earth, we must first transmute all human strains that are in conflict with Divine Love.
According to the Company of Heaven, 2011 is an auspicious year that is moving the Earth and all her life up to the spiral of evolution into the frequencies of Divine Love of God Transfiguring beyond any thing we have ever experienced. A lot of activities happen this year Luz are divinely designed to prepare every particle of life on Earth to support this increased frequency of Divine Love cell at an atomic level. Our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven want this influx of Divine Love Humanity assist in ways that accentuate our Earthly experience, without causing havoc in our lives. This purging process is a crucial step in our process of Ascension and is preparing to humanity at a cellular level for the unprecedented influx of Light that is bound to happen during the remainder of 2011 and 2012.
The year 2011 is being billed as "The Year Transfiguring Renaissance and Renewal." This will be brought to fruition through the unified efforts of humanity and the Company of Heaven. This means that you and I and every one of the people awake on the planet have a responsibility to be the Open Door for this influx of Divine Love. We will succeed in this monumental mission through various activities of Light that will be invited to participate by our I AM Presence.
He is providing mankind with opportunities beyond anything we've ever experienced. This Truth is resonating in every Heart Flame, and people everywhere are beginning to realize the scope of time. People in every form of life is waking up and they are beginning to "see with new eyes and hear with new ears." All we've been preparing for aeons of time to meet our unique facets of this Divine Plan. Now our Presence I AM is calling us to provide our highest service.
If you are being linked through the Internet or communicating with people around the world, you know there are all kinds of reports of catastrophic earth changes that are being predicted. These reports come from every conceivable source, including ancient indigenous cultures as well as some scientific predictions.
This revived interest in dramatic changes of the land is not happening by accident. In reality, what exactly was expected to happen in the Original Divine Plan after the Change of the Ages was a purge of cataclysms. It was thought that such a necessary factor to develop cleaning the area for the Ascension of the Earth, old Earth that could happen. Now people are tuning into these projections obsolete and reported as if it were to happen. However it is not the case. Everything has changed. Those old predictions are no longer viable and changes with cataclysms on earth are not needed any longer. Now there is a strong contingency plan in place which was co-created over the past 30 years by the Lightworkers around the world who were working in unison with the Company of Heaven.
The old earth is not going away! The two lands have become one, and each person evolving on this planet has made the conscious choice, through your I AM Presence, to do what is necessary to clear your karmic debts and Ascend into the 5th. Dimension. This is a miracle beyond our comprehension, but it is a profound Truth that has been revealed to humanity by the Company of Heaven.
From the monumental influx of Divine Consciousness, which took place during the Harmonic Concordance in November 2003, the I AM Presence of Humanity has a larger access to our hearts and our minds. This glorious aspect of our own divinity can now work through us in ways previously unknown, as we offer as volunteers to assist in the healing process is now unfolding on Earth.
Our thoughts and emotions are creative, so it is vital that Lightworkers unite to transmute the negative predictions of destruction and death that are being buffeted by the media and the Internet. People who are reporting these cataclysmic events is touching and ethereal obsolete records no longer serve the highest good for the planet. The underlying goal, the purpose of hidden darkness is to keep humanity so paralyzed by fear, you can not assimilate and integrate our NEW CAUSE planet of Divine Love, Unity and Reverence for Life.
Earth is a body alive, breathing and she is about to cleanse and purify itself from the atrocities that humanity has inflicted upon her. The important thing to understand is that this cleaning can be done through an influx of Light and Divine Love rather than through destructive land changes. This is where the Lightworkers come into play. We are being called to a new level of Divine Service.
During the time between the solstice of December 21, 2010 and the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse that took place on that day and the New Moon Solar Eclipse of January 4 2011, hundreds of thousands of Lightworkers around the world joined Heart Flames and created a new cause Planetary Divine Love in the Realms of Cause. This powerful influx of Light is now shining through the Heart Flames of the Lightworkers to incarnate and gradually transferring the core of purity in every electron of precious life energy on Earth. All that is in conflict with the Divine Love is now being pushed to the surface at an accelerated pace to be healed and transmuted back into Light. This is causing much stress on the body of Mother Earth that needs to be run by you and me and every person aware about the world.
Right now a radical and revolutionary at night is more possible than ever before. Collective change of humanity to an awareness of Divine Love, Unity and Reverence for ALL Life is now not only viable but a very real and tangible option. Miraculous changes are taking place daily and hourly in every man, woman and child. As each of us with a clear intention, we focus on our Transfiguration, Renaissance and Renewal planet, our victory is assured.
With the rapid influx of Divine Love of God Spiritual Brain Centers of humanity are being activated. While Divine Love seeps into our minds outside, our I AM Presence is releasing new visions of possibility for us in the Unity of Life, Peace, Abundance and Liberty are achievable realities and Reverence for Life is the order of the New Day
Our Solar Chakras 5th. Dimension recently activated are allowing the physiological aspects of the 3rd. And 4th. Dimension are high and merged with the multi-dimensional aspects of Infinite Perfection Physics in the 5th. Dimension. This process is rearranging our DNA to new expressions of eternal youth and infinite perfection vibrant health. These expressions are a natural reflection of our Solar Light Bodies of physical, etheric, mental and emotional This event is creating a profound upheaval and change within each of us. Suddenly and miraculously, nothing is the same.
Now is the time for us to use our new and sacred gift of transformation for the benefit of humanity and all life that is evolving on this blessed planet. Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth are calling our help in another vitally important aspect of the Divine Plan. Please go inside and kneel before the altar of Divine Love that is burning in his heart. Hear the small voice of inner guidance and respond to this clarion call according to the directives of your God Self.
key factors in the ultimate awakening humanity involving the memory of our unity with all life and healing to the atrocities we have inflicted on Mother Earth. Their heartfelt commitment and dedication to the Light are vitally important factors to help heal the separation of humanity, God and the body of Mother Earth. If this is not the case, your I AM Presence has not magnetized this information into your sphere of consciousness.
The NEED TIME is that awakened Lightworkers unite their hearts and minds as we co-create a living Forcefield ever-expanding of the Violet Flame to transmute the negativity that is surfacing and strengthen vulnerable areas in the body of Mother Earth. The reason that the Company of Heaven has assured us that changes in the earth as they were originally foretold disasters are not needed any longer is that they are aware of the commitment of the heart of you and me and million people worldwide who are eager to invoke the Violet Flame on behalf of Humanity and Mother Earth. Yes, indeed!. We are the Ones we've been waiting for.
Know that the light is infinitely more powerful than fear. A Lightworker effectively focusing the light can release enough positive energy to counteract the fragmented thoughts based on fear, hate and full of emotions or feelings of literally hundreds of thousands of people. addition to this blessing, our Father-Mother God has given to the Beings of Light a Cosmic Dispensation. They have been given permission to amplify our unified efforts thousands of times. Consequently, the critical mass of Heaven on Earth is much, much closer than it seems.
The following invocation is designed specifically to help awaken every soul recalcitrant and attend each neophyte and soul awakens to integrate the new frequencies of Divine Love quickly and effortlessly. Is also designed to strengthen vulnerable areas in the body of Mother Earth to prevent the potential of earth changes as cataclysmic.
As this field Light Force is driven every day through thoughts, words, actions and emotions of Lightworkers around the world, its effect will be exponential and the Light of Divine Love and planetary healing rushing through the conscious mind and subconscious of every person.
Now, let us unite our hearts with the I AM Presence of every man, woman and child on Earth, the entire Company of Heaven and the Legions of Light associated with the Violet Flame of the 5th Dimension of Infinite Perfection of God.
The Violet Flame of 1.000 Soles
I AM my I AM Presence, and I AM One with the I AM Presence of every person on Earth. I am also One with my Father-Mother God and the entire Company of Heaven. Now as a voice, heartbeat, breath and energy, vibration and consciousness of pure Divine Love invoke heightened frequencies of the Violet Flame of God of infinite perfection that Earth and humanity are able to receive this time. Waking
Stargates of our hearts and we are instantly the Open Door for powerful frequencies 5th Dimension Violet Flame of Infinite Perfection of God that the Earth has ever experienced.
The Violet Flame pulsates through our Heart Flames and blazes in, through and around the actions inharmonious, all lower human consciousness and all obstructions of the Light that any person, place, condition or thing has ever placed in the path of perfection of Life.
Instantly, the Violet Flame transmutes this discordant energy cause, core, effect, record and memory back to its original perfection. Now
Violet Fire Angels take their strategic positions over each country, state, city, town and village on the planet. These selfless messengers of our Father-Mother God extend his big loving arms and bring to an unlimited number of people in each location who are eager to participate in precise use of the Violet Flame of the Infinite Perfection of God. Each of these people understand the full import of the Violet Flame that is now being offered by our Father-Mother God to help humanity to free itself of all human afflictions.
The conscious use of this mighty power from the Heart of God will be established within each of these places major focus of the Violet Flame will continue to bathe every person in every neighborhood until human strain of humanity are transmuted back into Light and body of Mother Earth to be healed and restored to its original perfection.
Now through the clarion call of the I AM Presence of all Humanity and the Legions of Light throughout infinity, the Violet Flame begins to expand and expand. Merges with the Immortal Victorious Threefold Flame burning in the heart of every person and explodes into a great stream of light burst.
This miraculous influence of the Violet Flame increases to the intensity and power of a thousand suns.
Beloved Legions of Light associated with the Violet Flame 5th. Dimension of Infinite Perfection of God ...
a) Turn on the Light of a thousand suns through the physical layer, etheric, mental and emotional bodies within of Mother Earth up to the elements of earth, air, water, fire and ether may be purified and restored to its pristine beauty.
b) Turn on the Light of a thousand suns across all vulnerable areas in the body of Mother Earth. Lightning-ray strengthen Violets all faults, cracks, tectonic plates and the wounds created in the body of Mother Earth through nuclear testing, removal of mines, oil drilling and any other human affliction.
c) Turn on the Light of a thousand suns through thoughts, words, actions and emotions of every man, woman and child evolving on Earth until each person individually recognize and accept the Oneness of ALL Life, and every expression reflects the Reverence for ALL Life.
d) Turn on the Light of a thousand suns through all babies are coming, the children, their parents and guardians to all youth that is high in energy, vibration and consciousness to carry out directives of their I AM Presence.
e) Turn on the Light of a thousand suns across all youth centers and activities, all schools, colleges and universities, all leaders teachers, trainers and teachers in each line of attempts until the Flame of Enlightenment of God and spiritual enlightenment to manifest and be sustained forever.
f) Turn on the Light of a thousand suns across all religions and spiritual teachings, that the Divine Love, Truth, Tolerance, understanding and universal brotherhood Male and Female manifest quickly.
g) Turn on the Light of a thousand Suns by all physicians, nurses, healers, hospitals, insurance companies, pharmaceutical conglomerates and every institution associated with the healing of any kind until Divine Mercy Healing Compassion and Vibrant Health are tangible realities for every evolving soul.
h) Turn on the Light of a thousand suns across all banks and financial institutions, all economic systems, all the money and the people associated with monetary interactions of any kind until every person on Earth is openly demonstrating true integrity , honesty, honesty, generosity, fairness, wealth and provision of God for all the good things.
i) Turn on the Light of a thousand suns through all places of incarceration and of all persons employed there through each correctional institution, all staff application of the law, every court, every court and court of justice to that Divine Justice shall appear and be sustained forever.
j) Turn on the Light of a thousand suns through all space activities around the world until every nation to unite in cooperative service to the Will of God can be revealed with our brothers and sisters throughout the universe.
k) Turn on the Light of a thousand suns through the physical, etheric, mental and emotional aspects of humanity until all disease and human strains, their cause and core are dissolved and transmuted into vibrant health, eternal youth and physical perfection.
l) Turn on the Light of a thousand suns through the industries of food and water and food throughout the water used for human consumption until every particle of food and every molecule of water is filled with light. Elemental empower the substance to raise its vibratory action of the physical, etheric, mental and emotional aspects of humanity until the physical perfection to become a manifest reality for every human being sustained.
m) Turn on the Light of a thousand Suns in, through and around every electron of precious remnants of life energy until the Immaculate Concept of the New Earth will manifest, and all life evolving here is wholly Ascended and FREE. And it is.
Patricia Diane Cota-Robles New Age
Study of Humanity's Purpose
PO Box 41883,
Tucson, Arizona 85717
FAX: 520-751-2981
Phone: 520-885-7909
This article is copyrighted, but have permission to share it through any medium, provided the inclusion of appropriations.
information this month has been given to Humanity by the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth. The Divine Intent of this information is to encourage, empower, uplift and inspire us all to see the bigger picture during these wondrous but often with challenges.
© 2011 Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
English translation
sharing the light: Alicia Virelli