Exercises Living each day as a Master
Archangel Michael through Ronna Herman
Archangel Michael through Ronna Herman
We gave our messenger for some Timpo the following guidelines and has incorporated it in their seminaries and in the text of COURSE I AM MASTER.
these rituals now offer simple ones as a gift. If practiced daily, will ensure that your life will be transformed for the better in so short a time to be miraculous.
In the Morning:
Upon awakening, while still in Alpha state, take a moment to review your night. See if you can recapture any of their dreams and their meaning. The
Dreams are one of the ways that your guides and your higher self communicates with you. Ask them to help you remember. They can write their dreams on a daily basis if they wish, or just ask yourself the habit of remembering any of the places they visited, or something of importance that happened during your trip Atral night. (All you dream and travel in their astral bodies, whether we remember or not.) Visualize a pillar
crystal golden-white light radiating from His Divine Presence I AM, after surrounding and anchoring in the crystalline core of Earth. Watch a laser beam of light spirals down through your crown chakra, piercing each chakra, while lowering his spine, turning on a fluorescent tube and out of the root chakra to the center of the Earth.
Choose your decree or say something like this: "I invoke my I AM Presence and my angelic helpers to involve me, help me, guide me and protect me on this day, for my highest good and the highest good at all. " They can also invoke the Archangel Sandalphon loved to keep them anchored to the Earth as they strive to become a multidimensional Being.
have free will and must give permission to the Beings of Light and your God to guide them and help them. (This exercise will take only a minute or two after they have built their vision and have established the point.)
Take a few minutes to do some deep breathing exercises, some intonations and drink one or two glasses of pure water. If you do not have much privacy or feel uncomfortable in your home can make some intonations in his car. Some people practice their intonations (used the vowel sounds) in the shower, or do so with the members of his family.
Only you can decide how much or how little they want to use these tools available to them. But I assure you, if not used will not be able to make the changes they want so easily or quickly. The choice is always theirs.
During the day:
As you begin your day, visualize sitting on YOUR SPIRIT TO SHOULDER AS A WITNESS SACRED.
can turn it into something personal and see a beautiful angel sitting there, or a guide or ascended master of your choice. Make it real (as it will be). Again, the intention is the key. It will become more real as time passes and begin to feel the blessing of the Spirit and the company of angels around him as his constant companions.
When situations arise or interact with people (especially in stressful situations or in situations that really need attention), going an observer of the process: What is the lesson behind the situation? Or what they are reflecting their learning? Witness how the sacred act or how they would react in this situation or this person?
After a while, it becomes the normal way in which work throughout the day. You experience, observe, analyze, act and integer wisdom of the event.
By operating in this way, leave the realm of cause and effect to a State of Grace.
Throughout the day ask yourself the habit of observing the world around them. What can make them feel joyful? Practice being grateful by the beauty and bounty in your life, maintaining an attitude of gratitude. This helps to condition the subconscious mind and also helps to eliminate fear and negative vibrations.
If you are joyous, loving and grateful, there is no room for doubt, fear or negativity. Look at what is "good" in people in their world, thus reinforcing their positive characteristics. And when appropriate, tell them how they feel. Small and sincere compliments or words of praise are gifts of love vibrations to those around them.
If you work in a confined space or spending long hours at a desk, take a few minutes several times a day (even if they have go to the bathroom for privacy) and Take a break to breathe or sing.
few minutes of deep breathing are better than a cup of coffee or a caffeinated beverage. Stretch and honor their beautiful physical vehicle and be sure to do some exercise every day.
Become the habit of reading something that lift and inspire you every night, if only for a few minutes. His "state of mind" determines your rest and the dimensional level to traveling in his sleep.
After lying down and just before falling asleep, take a few minutes to review your day. Do not make judgments or recriminations, only be an observer. What did that day was not a higher vibrational energy? How could they have acted or reacted differently? What did they could have expressed more loving and compassionate? What they did not say they should have expressed (stating your highest truth)? Do you plan any feelings of resentment or anger? Allow others to put "color" to their beliefs actually negative (power cords)? Do we experience more love than negative interactions? (Remember, you can know how they are doing by observing the people and experiences that appeal to you.)
After finished reviewing your day, say something like this: "I invoke the Mighty Law of Forgiveness (or the Angel of Atonement) to transmute, balance and harmonize all discordant energy that I have planned today and that was not love / Light. " This will be instantly transmuted substance of Light neutral, therefore not affect your auric field or reality. ASI SEA. THIS IS THE LAW.
doing so move towards a status of "Indemnity" where they are no longer creating any negative energy or karma.
Imagine everyone in the world moving towards the indemnity, and radiating only one percent of positive energy of Love / Light. Humanity and the Earth would instantly transformed. See
the Violet Flame of Transmutation shining from his feet and encircling. This will ensure that the transformative alchemy of the Violet Flame perform its magic on your physical while you rest, accelerating the release of all negative energies and the core problems that have arisen that day.
If you wish, ask your higher self, guides or angels that will lead (in his astral body) to a special place (just mention your preferences or ask to be taken to the appropriate place for your highest good).
Ask your Higher Self to help them remember their trip and their dreams when they awaken, and his travels astral and lessons will become part of their "real" world. So rest well, dear hearts, knowing that they are cradled in the arms of the angels when they sleep.
The path to the consciousness of the heart / soul lies before you, dear, with all miracles, joy and love to absorb. Is within reach, but must seek and claim it. Try to remember that you are a unique facet of God and are loved beyond measure.
I AM Archangel Michael.
Channeled by Ronna Herman * STAR * QUEST * 6005 Clear Creek Drive, Reno, Nv. 89502 USA * Phone / fax: 775-856-654 * Email:
Translation Claudia Cuesta ( http://www.reskarendaya.com/ ) Translator's note: This translation is registered rights author, reproduced in whole or partial profit.
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