This information has been prepared especially for you, the Lightworkers on the path of ascension. It's time to start regaining the powers we have given away many millennia ago. The time is arriving. Let Light and Love and Power restore the Divine Plan on Earth. The experience of liberation "implants" is a big step in your return to your true power.
The release of "implants" lead your life to a new level of clarity and purpose. Represents a collective release of many levels of karma at the same time. To have this kind of impact, it is necessary to release the vote and agreements that keep the devices in place and have the spiritual power to actually dissolve the "implant" themselves. The "implant" and limiting devices are barriers spiritual vibration in the path of ascension that block your progress toward autofacultación full. They block your path by putting masks and creating false realities in your consciousness, thus limiting your access to your Higher Self. These are external control mechanisms of the Dark Forces that keep you in a dual reality. Although there are many types, purposes and causes, all unconscious act as channels of negative energy in your life and represent karmic ties and associations that need to be healed and rectified. Where do implants?
The "implant" represent collective karmic patterns that have been exposed externally by the Dark Forces, in an effort to control the thinking and emotional response of mankind. Throughout the history of this sector of the universe, the dual realities (good and bad) have been many. We as lightworkers have been in many of these different realities. We are approaching now the time to compliance and ascension to this planet, so there needs to be free again to return to full power our state, bringing the planet and its inhabitants with us. Every time we enter a new planetary system, to save him from the thought-forms dense, it is necessary that we associate with the experience of life on this planet so that we can change it from within. It is a sacred act embody a dual reality, ownership of their shortcomings, to rise above them and return them to God.
What are the "thought-forms dense?" Thought-forms dense are entities that seek to make energy and power from other beings. Although these beings were created by God, they (through their own free will) have participated in the illusion of separation from God and have opposed their creations at the level of duality. In their pain, they seek to control others. One way they do this is through the implants. Some of the things that make up the thoughts often masquerade as dense as the light and are the source of much disinformation, and energy systems that can be mistaken for healing systems. They mix just enough truth with lies to confuse the unwary and are, in fact, the source of much channeled material. Always ask: "Does this information comes in the name of the vibration of the Light?". Insist on their own internal confirmation and that they be shown the truth. Keep in mind that while there are "implants" can be difficult to distinguish between the transmission of vibration of Christ and other inferior. Can look very beautiful and / or sweet and charming. If they can collect behind the facade, may feel superficial and coldness behind the mask. There is also a quality in them vamp. Again, ask if a being or information is the vibration of light and emphasize the confirmation. How did we get this information in our energy field we call "implants"? These are received in different ways in many different time frames, locations and situations. There are many different types of implants and purposes. Are karma of the soul that we carry from one incarnation to another. Spread across the planet to the fall of Atlantis. Incarnation after incarnation, life after life, humans lost their ability to express your true inner self and develop their spiritual faculties.
This brings to modern man with very little awareness of their true spiritual power. The last way in which they have received the implants is through partnerships with various spiritual organizations of a negative nature. This includes any religion that uses mind control and fear to strengthen control of its members. These are all major religious institutions and companies the most obvious of darkness, who have used the votes, agreements and control mechanisms related to exercise control over their members. These vows of fidelity remain to be revoked. This energy needs to be transmuted. Implants received through the subtle bodies and control our access to the higher frequencies. When the vibrations fall to the level of duality and we believe in the illusion of separation from God (do not believe we are one with Him), we become susceptible. Since mankind as a whole lives in a dual reality and bought the illusion of separation from God, we are all living under the influence of some kind of spiritual limiting device.
All have until they are cleaned. At this point you can see that one of the most important characteristics of human beings and one of the more irregularities causing psychological is without doubt the esteem of the individual. Low self-esteem may result in an example .... a seemingly normal woman, not ever be pregnant, this is an explanation for some absurd and mysterious for others, well, one of my explanation is always the same ... How do you want to make love if you do not love yourself? At this point I wanted to put a very large on the self-esteem, self-transformation is used to discover the internal change that we can do ourselves if we do things from the point of view of love and service, I hope that once you finish this course, you love yourself / aya \u200b\u200ball mankind.
How do I know if I have implants? The question is not if I have implants but implants What I have and how do I get rid of them? ". If you're on the planet and have not been cleaned, you have them. This process will clear all the varieties known and unknown for all time frames, dimensions and locations simultaneously. There is also a protection that is built with this process (when you get the release through a personal transmission) to protect against any attempt by any insertarte be negative information in your field again energy. Why most psychics can see the implants? Because they also have them and therefore are blind to them. It takes a special perspective oriented to the rise to be aware of them and a special knowledge about what to do with them.
Why should I clean my implants now? [/ Color] In the planet's history few have achieved ascension beings from the time of Jesus. The planet itself now amounts to a fifth dimensional reality. Grace has been extended to absolve all karma for those who choose the ascent with him. Some of the Grace is the release of implants. What that clean this process? This process cleans all the implants and spiritual limiting devices, known and unknown, "weapons" spiritual (negative psychotronic energy sent to you by someone else and that may be causing chronic pain in the body), parasites, mental and emotional body ( may be the cause of many physical illnesses), attached entities (is any disembodied spirit with any loop or cord that connects you, from both this life and past other), negative thought forms of any kind (including curses and spells and spells) and vows and agreements that keep the devices within. Limitation devices consist spiritual vows and / or contracts with negative spiritual brotherhoods, unholy alliances or associations whenever they've been without guidance or separated from God. These votes and agreements will affect you until they are waived, because you leave things open to claims of these organizations.
They have access to you in the dream state or in the inner planes, and are the leading cause of spiritual interference in your life in the physical and psychic. Those votes may also include vows of poverty, chastity, obedience, etc. Karmic ties are past-life associations with certain individuals or places that spring to through your mind and affect relationships negatively. You will be guided through the release of these votes and agreements for all periods of time, dimensions and locations. After reciting the revocation of votes may go into a drowsy state of consciousness. Just relax and enjoy.
the preparation process: When you're ready to remove negative implants follow these steps:
1 .- It allows a period of two hours for the entire process, or start process an hour before your normal time to go to sleep. Unplug the phone and make sure you will not be disturbed.
2 .- Lie on your private space. If you sleep with a partner, make the process together or go to bed early. This session requires informed consent to work.
3 .- The first 15 minutes are for reading and repeat the resignation of votes. This is very important and requires your conscious participation. The revocation of votes is a sacred process.
4 .- Stay in a state of acceptance and surrender. What should I expect during the process?
1 .- It is normal for energy movement sensations in and around your body. If at any time during the experience tension in any part of your body, relax, breathe and think: FREE.
2 .- It is normal for the presence of mental noise, hyperactivity, strong emotions and may even occur nausea or stomach pains. Relax, breathe and think: FREE.
3 .- You have visions of moving various colors, particularly purple and blue.
4 .- Once you're done with the revocation of votes and you agree to the removal of negative implants, can you go into an altered state sleepy. During this period the Masters and etheric surgeons are working with you "outside the body."
5 .- Have no expectations. Whatever you experience is right for you. Since this process is deeply personal, everyone has a different experience. That's fine and does not mean you're doing something "wrong." Ok, you ready? Started!
Your commitment tu crecimiento y con tu camino de servicio al mundo es encomiable! Recita en voz alta la revocación de votos que sigue: El proceso de Sanación y Remoción: Acudo al Cristo para que calme mis miedos y desactive todos los mecanismos de control externo que pudiesen interferir con esta Sanación. Pido a mi Yo Superior que cierre mi aura y que establezca un canal Crístico para el propósito de mi Sanación, para que sólo fluyan hacia mi energías Crísticas. No se puede dar ningún otro uso a este canal diferente al flujo de energías Crísticas. (Imagina y visualiza energía violeta girando de izquierda a derecha alrededor de tu cuerpo y de todo lo que te rodea. Esta energía rotativa continuará por una hora y media or throughout the night if you make this process right before bedtime.) Now I call to Archangel Michael to completely seal and protect this sacred experience. Security invoke Circular to completely seal and protect and enhance the coat of Miguel, and to remove all that nature is not Christ that still exists in this field.
now invoke the Ascended Masters and our attendees Christic stationed on ships, to remove and dissolve completely each and every one of the implants and energy originating, parasites, and spiritual weapons devices self-imposed limitation, both known and unknown. Once you have completed this process, ask the full restoration and repair of my original field of energy, full of Golden Christ Energy. [Repeat all after I am free! I Am Free! I Am Free! I Am Free! I Am Free! I Am Free! I Am Free!
[that this healing is permanent, we must close the doors that gave them access in the first instance. Repeat the following I, being known as {your name} in this particular embodiment, at this time revoke and renounce all and each of the oaths, vows, and loyalties that no longer serve my highest good in this life, past lives, lives and future lives simultaneously in all dimensions, time frames and locations, or elsewhere in the Mind of God. At this point I ordered all entities that are attached to these contracts, organizations and association to which I now renounce, cease and desist and to leave my energy field from now to forever, and retrospectively back, taking their equipment devices and energy originating with them. To ensure this process, I now invoke the Holy Spirit, to witness the dissolution of all contracts, and energy-originating devices do not serve the Father / Mother God. This includes all alliances and beings that do not have the Father / Mother God as Supreme Being. Moreover, I ask the Holy Spirit to witness the complete removal of all contracts, arrangements and original energies, both known and unknown, to try to oppose the will of the Father / Mother God. Declare and project this forward and backward. So be it. Now consecrate my loyalty to the Father / Mother God, through the offices of Christ, and devote all my being, my physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and astral vibration Christ henceforth and retroactively back. I also dedicate my life, my job, everything I think, say and do, and everything in my environment that still serve me, vibration Christ. I dedicate myself to my own mastery and the path of Ascension, both for the planet to me. Having said all this, I now authorize the Christ and my own Higher Self to make changes in my life to make room for this new commitment, and ask the Holy Spirit to witness this as well. I now declare this to the male and female call of God. So be written in the Book of Life. So be it.
Thank God. Now, healthy and collectively forgive all those aspects of yourself who made the covenants, and all those who participated in your limiting in any way. Please include in this prayer of forgiveness to all who need to consciously forgive and to those who do not know. Repeat the following: When the Whole Universe and the Mind of God, and all beings therein, all places where I've been to all the experiences in which I participated, to all beings who need it healing, are known to me or not. Sano and forgive everything we ate. I go to the Holy Spirit, the Lord Metatron, Lord Maitreya and Saint Germain to attend and witness this healing. My beloved, forgive them for everything you need be forgiven between you and me. I ask you to forgive me for everything that needs to be forgiven between you and me. More importantly, I forgive myself for everything that needs to be forgiven. Now we have been collectively healed and forgiven, healed and forgiven, healed and forgiven. Now we are taken our selves Christic. We are filled and surrounded with the love Christ-Dorado. We are filled and surrounded with the Golden Christ Light.
Free We all vibrations of fear, pain and anger of the third and fourth dimension. All psychic ties and cords attached to these entities, implanted devices, or energy contracts originating are now released and healed. I ask that transmute Saint Germain and the Violet Flame downgraded all the energies were taken from me, and I get them back in their purified state. Once these energies have returned to me, ask that the channels through which my energy out, be dissolved completely. Metatron ask the Lord to free us all from the chains of duality. And I pray that the seal of the Office of the Christ is my duty. I ask the Holy Spirit to witness this is done. So be it. I now ask the Christ who is with me and heal my wounds and scars. I also ask the Archangel Michael that I mark with his label, so I can be protected forever from the influences that prevent me from fulfilling the will of our Creator. So be it! I thank God, the Ascended Masters, the Ashtar Command, the angels and archangels, and all who have participated in this healing and continuous elevation of my being. Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God!
[Do not move for an hour and a half. Rest in the arms of the radiant, while the Ashtar Command Etheric Surgeons completely eliminate the negative implants. You may want to sleep, resting in the assurance that you're on the path to Ascension, and nobody can interfere to achieving your Master!] After the session: This healing activates a cleaning cycle of 21 days that will expand your life in many ways. During the first (or the first two) weeks you may have unusual dreams. This is a natural period of expulsion cleaner. Or, you may not dream at all, while making a profound process of inner work. Either way, do not worry as much a state as the other is normal. Pay particular attention to how you can change your perception of the world. Do not be surprised if the world seems much brighter and feel safer in it. People may seem more friendly and while you get on in life, you can open areas that previously seemed closed. You need to spend a little time, at least thirty days before you can fully understand the various ways in which your life has been changed.
Some benefits of this process include:
1 .- feeling of calmness and inner clarity.
2 .- The internal mental chatter is more muted.
3 .- disappears the internal stress.
4 .- Obtained or improving channel capacity.
5 .- A new sense of purpose and meaning of life.
6 .- Feeling of Love, Peace and Happiness.
7 .- The life improvement in all areas.
8 .- sense of unity, spiritual awareness high.
9.-Dissolution of unproductive relationships. There is protection against a new establishment built, in part because once it is fully Feedback revocation, your free will and desire to remain free of implants and devices spiritual limitation prevents you from being deployed again. You will also be added to the network Ashtar Command protection. Ethereally will look like a wide gold belt that moves defensively around your energy field when needed. However, free will and conscious subconscious resistance could void the release of all votes. * Make sure your intention is to release ALL the votes and agreements. If you are unsure, repeat the revocation vote. If you are not absolutely clean and completely finished then repeat the entire session.
If you are already a channel or a healer and channel, you will find this process of particular importance. Implants blocking your clarity and act as weed through your channel and connection with your higher self. These phone lines to represent the Christic minor vibrations on the astral plane and are the source of much misinformation. While you have implants and attaching to such contracts, are subject to receive communications mixed. Insists only in Christ vibration communications. You have a responsibility to yourself and to those who listen to bring you the highest possible information. Because the implants have been with you for so long, people you sent them feel familiar. Be willing to re-challenge your sources after making this healing. If you find they one or more of your guides are gone, you know what higher vibration guides will come to replace them. Even famous canals and experienced can be fooled by their own guides. Be a channel does not guarantee quality. Remember: A channel is so clear and they themselves are clear! For healing: When they are acting as a channel for healing energy or their own energy field should be as clear as possible. Implants can be transferred unknowingly from one person to another. As curator, you've probably been "beaten" by the negativity of your patients from time to time. You may feel as a negative shock, headache or low vibration moving emotions through you. While you have your implants will be subject to be on the giving or receiving end. To protect yourself and your clients, do the procedure for revocation of implants in yourself, and then, when ready, help your patients or teach them how to remove the implants themselves.
The release of implants must be part of any healing practice. You can sponsor another sponsor a person as a child, spouse or disabled or sick adult. You can say the revocation of votes for them, because you have spiritual authority to act on his behalf (because they are your life and you are together for some reason, maybe just for this reason healing!). It is preferable to obtain consent at the physical level of any revocation by those who do vote, and the release of implants, but sometimes the consent is not always possible. Keep in mind the universal law of "free will" which states that you can not interfere with the growth of another unless they carry you. The permission is implied for those who are not able to receive it due to physical disability or other reasons.
ABOUT Ashtar Command Ashtar Command is the airborne division of the Great White Brotherhood of Light, under the direction of Commander Ashtar and Lady Master Athena, the guidance of Lord Jesus Sananda and his twin flame, Lady Master Nada. Composed of millions of ships and personnel from many civilizations, we are the patterns of Heaven we serve the Radiant (Christ) in his mission of love. We work in conjunction with the Ascended Masters and Angelic Legions of Michael, Raphael, Uriel, Jofiel, Gabriel and the 70 Brotherhood of Light that administer the Divine Plan. Ashtar Command is here to help Earth and humanity through the current cycle of planetary cleansing and polar realignment. We encourage unity, harmony and coexistence all peaceful. The golden key of spiritual salvation is love. (N. E: Not everything that goes with the name of Ashtar in the network is authentic. Always check with your inner discernment.)
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: Thanks to the Star deep Essene, Temple Master of the Ascension, from which it derives largely from his work. High Praise to the Creator, Ascended Masters, the Ashtar Command, Archangel Michael, the Archangel Raphael, without which the ascent would be very difficult! Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish, Adonai Tsebayoth (Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God of the Universe).
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