Contacting Angels
Every day we spent and overcome small problems, decision making, relationships with the world, etc. and sometimes does not exit gracefully. With us there are beings of light to help you. These beings of light, are the angels, God created them to help humanity to be better, to overcome difficulties, to connect with our divinity, and if we often feel we do not help is because they simply have not asked or required their help, because if not we will not come to us. The angels are guides, partners and friends. Ask for their help and / or offer yours to them.
simple formula for guests home.
The easiest way to attract the angels is to create spaces of harmony and love. As a clean and orderly. They like clear spaces, neat, bright and uncluttered. Try not to an excess of ornaments in your home, because it makes them feel uncomfortable. Try to always have fresh flowers because they love their scents. Spend some time in silence. Peace and tranquility are states that attract the heavenly beings. Choose a time of day you can be alone, to meditate in peace. Do not need anything more special than sitting comfortable and relaxed. And if you prefer to visualize how the angels love your home cool, warm and clean. Enjoy the sounds of nature, natural places going to the field, the leaves blowing in the wind is one of the favorite sounds and the angels.
These heavenly creatures are efficient when it comes to solving problems and help, complete projects, clarify puzzles or solve conflicts. Here we take a year to contact the angels immediately. Need a pen or pencil, three white sheets, a watch and a tape recorder (which may be optional) If you are familiar with computers, create a file for the angels and get ready for your fingers typing keyboard solos.
Turn on the recorder and record the steps. Should pause for two minutes when prompted. Then listen to the list, once you are ready to perform the exercise.
Close your eyes. Breathe deeply and relax. Again. Again. Set aside all concerns of the day. Feel it growing further.
Open your eyes and type the word ANGEL at the beginning of a leaf. For two minutes, and only two minutes, write words and phrases that you are connected with the angels. No matter if you are strange associations, just let go. After two minutes to let your pen. Breathe deeply.
Close your eyes and breathe deeply again. View the angels circling around him. Trust your feelings rather than their thoughts. Open your eyes and type the word UNIVERSE above. For two minutes write words and phrases you associate with universes write down everything the comes up. After two minutes drop the pen and breathe deeply. Relax.
Close your eyes again and breathe deeply. See an angel touching his shoulder. It is your guardian angel. Open your eyes and type the word message at the beginning of the third folio. For two minutes write down everything that comes to mind, whatever is on your mind. After two minutes to let the pen and breathe deeply, close your eyes and say `` thank you''because they will have communicated with the angelic host. It's that easy.
Read your papers. Do not try to decipher its meaning immediately. If a thought arises let float, but do not try to figure it out.
Twenty four hours later, read what you wrote do you find something new? Most likely, if you find it.
can perform this exercise to clarify any project you have. The most difficult task is getting started. But remember that angels like to help people who come to them. The more you practice this exercise will be most helpful.
CELESTIAL GANG-time protection. There are angels who are in contact with each other to work with the earth plane. APRA group working to relieve people of the problems daily. To invoke this crew is required to deposit an offering at a particular site. It is a source
THAT. Is understood as spiritual energy. Is the charge of strength, enthusiasm with which humans begin their projects or activities. Without it life would be a grind devoid of joy and interest. THE OFFERING: Light a candle blue or purple on Monday on rising. Next to the candle, place a small silver bell.
healers. Acting under the guidance of Saint Raphael, the archangel powerful and full of love for humans. They come in every home where a person willing to help. OFFERING: In a small cloth bag, place a handful of herbs and several different kinds of tea leaves. Hang the bag in a window on the outside to dry well. After three days, place in a Paltita and turn them to lay off an intense aroma that permeates the house. To burn the grass, choose a Wednesday.
GUARDIANS OF THE HOME. Care for the family, protect the elderly and children. Consciously put a family under the protection of these angels live in a constant aura of bliss and harmony. Collaborate actively in the spiritual growth of the family, speaking also to defend the dispute and material problems. Offering: in each bedroom place a vase with a yellow rose. Next to the flower yellow light a candle too. This ritual should be performed on a Sunday night.
GUARDIANS OF NATURE. Devas are the elementals or nature spirits. Each custody, lives and works in her proper element, whether in the earth, fire, air or water. They live in symbiosis with flowers, rocks, clouds or water. Regulate the climate, the elements and plant growth. When mankind learns to contact them, get the most of nature, with balance and harmony. Offering: an outdoor place where flowers abound, trees, water, or there are mountains, leave the site that most appeals to a small basket with flowers and candy.
GUARDIANS OF BEAUTY. Creatures are immersed in a dimension of light and sound, harmony, beauty without limits. Seek contact with human beings spiritually elevated to convey rhythms and harmonies. Thus, some artists are inspired by them and collected from the top of astral planes sounds and shapes suggest the angels. Offering: believe in your house a special place where beautiful things abound. If you have a musical instrument, do not hesitate to place it there. Vases, paintings, colored candles, a rug colorful environment can provide the ideal climate for these angels feel called.
One of the best ways to work with the heavenly creatures is through the use of angel eyes in meditation. After learning this technique, use it in all circumstances and places you want. Angelic eyes will allow you to look into different ways, you can also get a perspective on how their decisions affect others or how you adapt to a given situation. Focus on the goal of aligning its essence with angelic energy. Probably feel a sudden warmth or chills, any sudden feeling should be interpreted as a signal. Consider the situation we wish to clarify or resolve, choose a particular aspect of her life (studies, work, family, etc.) and mentally say: ask assistance angelic energies for (state your situation and your concerns)
Relax. May form an answer in his mind or maybe the key to solving the difficulty in the form of revelation or intuition. Do not try to force things. Sometimes the answers come at the end of meditation. To thank the angels and end meditation.
EMERGENCY HELP. Some angels are involved in very special circumstances. They may appear indifferent to the events of every day, small sorrows, worries, etc. but they are not. In contrast are looking to us, only displayed on special occasions when his presence is desperately required. They are the saving angels who guard us in situations requiring quick decisions and urgent. In a way we could say that love is a danger and are skilled in rescuing those who rely on all kinds of risky situations.
HOW ARE AND WHERE TO FIND THEM? The main feature of these winged creatures is its vitality. But be careful because you must treat them with respect and be patient because it does not tolerate criticism or accept advice. They love travel and all sorts of activities that involve movement. They get along well with athletes because people admire bold and competitive. The best time to invoke it in late fall early spring. The spaces are open and frequent the countryside, meadows, forests, etc..
RITUAL. The only element that needs to attract an object to indicate motion, a plane or bird of paper, a pinwheel, etc. a Friday morning in an outdoor venue put yourself in a place you like sit on the floor and make a prayer to the angels to assist you in situations hazard. If you want you can pray aloud. When you finish your prayer do move the chosen object, this is the greeting of the angels.
angelic To spend a day, all you have to do is feel like this and wakes up in the morning to say: I will spend a day angel. This means I will be open to all that the universe has taught me about angels and what I can do to help others
Please mind that day that whatever happens or anyone with which you are located is orchestrated by the angels to educate and understand. You has embarked on an adventure in search of treasure. Be nice to people who crosses his path. Look at the people in the eye when you find them. If you are shopping say to yourself that things will look angelic. Will you spend less money and find items you really need. Ask the angels to guide you to the appropriate store. When you return home to pass the most significant events of the day. Meditate and visualize his angel as a guide who accompanies him everywhere.
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