For Kuthumi
Translation Arraiz Abjini
"The Festival of Wesak, which takes place every year, is the most powerful spiritual experience and significant than anyone on Earth can accommodate. It is this date when the waves of love from the Source are at its highest level on Earth. This experience is a unique opportunity in life and that involves the creation of a "new you" every year. During this spiritual New Year, all energies are set to be in love and become recognize the true nature of being ... which is Divine. This is the time when all the Angels, Masters, started on the path of truth and love are connected in order to receive more powerful than will serve for the following years of growth of soul purpose. All joining in the ceremony of Wesak, experience a unique spiritual alignment, which not only has a profound effect on the physical life, typical of this unique experience, but then also receive an injection of loving light of Lord Buddha that nourished with divine energy necessary to achieve the individual divine purpose in the following year.
The ceremony of Wesak is a spiritual ceremony has no religious or cult trend. It is open to all the love, light and all lightworkers on Earth. To truly connect to the powers and gifts of Wesak, one must connect to the ceremony is taking place at that time. There is no particular place to connect with the ceremony, because the true location of the ceremony is the heart itself. This ceremony is held in Mount Shasta during the Wesak Celebration and Mosman, Sydney, along with circles of light around the globe, as well as an ethereal place in the Himalayas. At this time, during the Taurus full moon, the earth receives as much spiritual energy of the year. In some ways this is the spiritual New Year of the Earth, then begin a new cycle and received new waves of energy. The gates are opened higher in Currently around the world to receive this new wave of energy to individual spiritual development. Wesak Ceremony has been given to mankind to connect energetically to this current brings gifts, and ancient on earth.
We invite all people who are sincerely interested in the development of their souls in this sacred event. It will then offer them waivers of light and love to each of you to maintain balance in your life during this new year and keep the focus on your purpose and life goals. 2003 is the resolution spiritual year for all those unconscious motivations that may block the carrying out divine purpose. It is the spiritual year of opening the individual Divine Purpose. If you want to truly align with your divine purpose, this meeting is for you and for those that you feel you need this alignment. Love and Bless your soul in the One
Adapted from Alice A. Bailey
New World Journal (revista@mundonuevo.cl)
In some parts of India, the Wesak Festival has been regarded for centuries as a holiday, a sacred occasion of meeting, pilgrimage rejoicing and joyful expectation. It is true that the inner meaning of this day is recognized only by a few whose mind is spiritual, it is also true that the vast majority knows nothing and cares little about their possible implications. But the same could be said of any major Christian holiday. For some, they represent symbols of great spiritual realities, for others it simply means a holiday, giving gifts or time to visit someone. However, people generally do not know relatively nothing about the spiritual force that celebration thrown over the world, the true meaning of those "days of grace," such as Good Friday, when Divinity comes to the aid of humanity. Inner reality and meaning beyond their sphere of activity. And so it is with the Festival of Wesak. However, there is something about this festival that sets it apart from all others. While the dates of Christian festivals have been established on the basis of past events or events that occurred centuries ago (or commemorate a great disciple of Christ, who in the past served mankind as He did), the Festival Wesak is a recognition of a present living event. Takes place-according to the beliefs of those who observe it as it happens, a great divine event, and is a ceremony for participatory nature of character. This celestial event is held annually at the time of the full moon of Taurus. During that time, God Himself Launches His blessings on earth, according to the demands of man, through the Buddha and His Brother, the Christ.
This special event also has a physical manifestation. Parallel to this subjective and spiritual ceremony was held another ceremony in a small valley in Tibet beyond the Himalayas. It occurs where allegedly ground blessing ceremony, in which many local people and find their way around, as pilgrims who go to light. At the time of the full moon takes place in that place a solemn ritual that can definitely be seen and heard, as you can see and hear a ceremony at any of our great cathedrals. The dream, the legend and the fact can be described as follows: There is a valley located quite high in the hills surrounding the Tibetan Himalayas. It is surrounded by high mountains on all sides except the northeast where there is a narrow opening between the mountains. Therefore, the valley has the outline of a bottle, it's neck to the northeast, which widens considerably towards the south. Towards the north end, near the neck of the bottle, there is a huge, flat rock. In the valley no hay árboles ni arbustos; está cubierto con un tipo de pasto tosco, pero las laderas de las montañas están cubiertas con árboles.
La Jerarquía Planetaria
En el momento de la luna llena de Tauro, comienzan a reunirse peregrinos de todos los alrededores. Los hombres santos y lamas encuentran su rumbo hacia el interior del valle y ocupan la parte sur y central, dejando el final del mismo, el noreste, relativamente libre. Allí, sigue la leyenda, se reúne un grupo de aquellos grandes Seres que son los Guardianes en la Tierra del Plan de Dios para nuestro planeta y para la humanidad. Como llamemos a estos Seres no tiene relevancia. Los fieles cristianos may prefer to speak of Christ and His church, as forming that great cloud Divine guarantees ultimate salvation of mankind. The esoteric world can call the Masters of Wisdom, the Planetary Hierarchy, who at various levels are governed by and taught by Christ, the Master of all Masters, Master in the likeness of angels and men. We can also call the Rishis of the Hindu Scriptures, or the Society of Illumined Minds, as in Tibetan teachings. They are the Great Intuitive and Major Partners of our modern presentation of the internal realities. They reflect a perfected humanity, which has followed the steps of Christ and has introduced us beyond the veil, leaving us an example that should act as they did. Them with His wisdom, love and knowledge, act as a safety net around our humanity. Seek to guide us, step by step (as they were led at the time) from darkness to light, from the unreal to real, and death to immortality. This group of knowers of divinity is the most important element of the Festival of Wesak. They are grouped at the end of the northeastern part of the valley, in concentric circles (depending on condition and level of development of its initiation), preparing for a great act of service. In front of the rock, looking Northeast, are those beings, who are called by his disciples, "The Three Great Lords." They are the Christ, who sits in the heart, the Lord of living forms, Manu, located to the right of Christ, and the master of civilization, Mahachohan, located on the left. They three are against the rock on which rests a large crystal ball filled with water.
Behind the group of masters, adepts, initiates and older workers under the Plan of God, are the disciples and aspirants of the world in its different grades and groups (both "in body and outside it "to quote the words of St. Paul), who are at this time the New Group of World Servers. The people present at the physical body have found their way there by common pathways. Others are present in their bodies in subtle and sleep state. When the time is approaching full moon, a hush fell over the crowd and everyone looks to the northeast. start some ritual movements, in which the group of masters and disciples of all ranks take symbolic positions , all of which have a powerful and profound meaning, while simultaneously emits songs and words of power, called mantras. The expectation in the crowd to wait and see is large and the tension is real and growing. It seems that through the whole body of people feel stimulation or a strong vibration, which has the effect of awakening the souls of those present, fusing and blending the group in a total unity, and bringing everything into a large act of spiritual demand, goodwill and hope. Is the zenith of global yearning, this group focused on standby. These three words-demand, goodwill and hope - are the ones that best describe the atmosphere surrounding those present in this secret valley. Singing and rhythmic flow grow strongly, and all participants and observers turn their eyes to the sky in the direction of the narrow valley. Fair few minutes before the exact time of the full moon can be seen in the distance a speck in the sky. It is getting closer and closer, increasing its clarity and definition of the contour, until you can see the shape of Buddha, seated in the lotus position, dressed in his saffron robe, bathed in light and color, and extended his hand in token blessing. When he arrives at exactly the point on the rock, floating in the air over the heads of the Three Great Lords, a powerful mantra, used only once a year during this festival, is sung by the Christ and the whole group of people in the valley worship them. This invocation creates a great vibration or current of thought, which extends over the group of aspirants, disciples or initiates who employ it, even God himself. This marks the supreme moment of intensive spiritual effort exerted throughout the year, the spiritual revitalization of humanity and the spiritual effects last for the next few months. The effect of the Great Invocation is universal, and serves to bond with that cosmic center of spiritual force from which all created from. Blessings spill, and the Christ-on behalf of humanity, are received as its custodian for distribution. Thus continues the legend, the Buddha returns once a year to bless the world, by providing Christ through renewed spiritual life. Slowly, the Buddha was away, until it can be only one weak spot in the sky, which eventually disappears. Throughout the ceremony, away from the first appearance until the Buddha out of sight, it takes only eight minutes. The Buddha's annual sacrifice for humanity is over and he returns again to the place where he works and hopes high. Year after year, he returns to the blessing ceremony, in which He and His great Brother, the Christ, working in close cooperation for the spiritual benefit of humanity. In these two great sons of God, have focused two aspects of divine life, and they act together as Guardians of the kind of higher spiritual force to which our humanity can respond. Through the Buddha, the wisdom of God pours. Through Christ, God's love manifested to humanity, and it is this wisdom and this love of humanity flowing over each new moon of May. This is the legend behind this popular holiday in the East. Such is the fact, if we accept the challenge to believe and be open-minded enough to recognize this possibility. For the West, represents a somewhat new, calling us to readjust some of our most cherished beliefs. But, if it can be grasped and understood, will emerge a new vision in our consciousness and the possibility in the present humanity, consciously encourage a new source of enrichment and a new center of spiritual force.
Meaning of the Ceremony
For some people, this festival is now clear and definite ideas, and offers a great opportunity, which can be derived as follows:
First, the Festival links the past with this, and neither has ever made any other festival related to any of the great religions of the world. Represents a living truth and present opportunity. In their mutual service to humanity, Buddha and Christ together East and West together in a Christian tradition Buddhist and Hindu faith and aspirations of all believers in the world today. Religious differences disappear.
Second, the Festival provides the highest spiritual blessing in the world. It's an unusual time flow of life and spiritual encouragement, to enliven the aspirations of all humanity.
Third, at the time of the Festival and through the united effort of the Christ and Buddha, working in close cooperation, it opens a channel of communication between humanity and God, to lower the love and wisdom of God to the world you expect and need. Speaking symbolically, and remembering those symbols that hide a truth se puede afirmar que en el momento de la luna llena, es como si de pronto se abriera una puerta al Cielo, que en otros momentos permanece cerrada, haciendo posible el contacto con las grandes Vidas. A través de esa puerta, aspirantes y discípulos pueden contactarse con energías que en otras circunstancias no son de fácil disposición. A través de esa puerta, es posible aproximarse a Aquellos que guían la raza a la verdad y realidad, lo cual en otros momentos no es posible. Una vez que esto sea conocido, será posible desarrollar una Ciencia de Acercamiento a las verdades más profundas y a las fuerzas de la vida que aún están escondidas detrás de un velo. Este conocimiento se revelará en la Nueva Era y es parte de true pop art of the Way and spiritual progress. Again today, you can get great expansions of consciousness. And initiated disciples of all parties can be assisted and encouraged spiritually to give those great steps called initiations, which enable humanity to penetrate a little more deeply and consciously into the mysteries of the kingdom of God. This clearly reveals the miracle of divinity, the beauty of the divine in each individual and to some extent the Plan to which humanity belongs and which can cooperate.
Distribution and Service
Returning to the event of the Himalayas, where the Buddha again has disappeared, the crowd is steep, the water is distributed into smaller bowl the Masters, initiates and disciples, and then they return to their place of employment. The crowd, which has brought their own cups and water jugs, drink and share with others. This beautiful "water communion ceremony" says symbolically indicative of the New Age that is close, the Age of Aquarius, the Water Carrier was. It is the era of "man holding a pitcher of water", as Christ says in the episode that precedes the communion service that he started. In this ceremony is perpetuated for us the history of the universal love of God, our need for purification individual, and the opportunity to share with everyone what belongs to everyone. Water, which has been magnetized by the presence of Buddha and Christ, carries certain properties and virtues of healing and beneficial nature. The crowd, blessed thus dispersed quietly, while the Masters and disciples return with renewed strength to undertake another year of world service.
Today, this legend, and this relationship with a true and vital spiritual fact is slowly finding its way in the West, generating in many recognition, curiosity, admiration or questions.
seems that for some applicants Western now is the time when East and West can come together spiritually into a great Festival and communion of souls. Together between each, and under the guidance of the Buddha, who came to bring light to the East, and the Christ who came to bring light to the West, men and women can seek and evoke the blessing and spiritual revelation, that in the future can immediately provide something that is badly needed, "Peace on earth, goodwill to men." So we can enter into an era of brotherhood and understanding, which will allow everyone to get more time free from fear, to find God in itself. Thus, the Wesak Festival is the greatest event of our planet, from the point of view of spiritual realities, and who has the biggest impact for the human race. His influence has always existed, but was unknown to most. Now, its influence is available to be recognized and used consciously. It is a great responsibility and opportunity for those who want recognition.
mode of participating in the Wesak Festival
Through fasting, prayer and meditation group eventually the outline.
LETTING IN THE LIGHT. Recite as many times as possible The Great Invocation, the two days before the day of the Festival and during the two days. The minimum program is recited at dawn, noon, at five in the afternoon, evening and at the exact moment of Full Moon marks the climax. No one is too small to serve, for all the passionate aspirations will bring the blessing. Everyone can do something to end the current state of affairs, and enter a period of peace and goodwill throughout the world. "No price we are required will be too high to be useful to the hierarchy at the time of the full moon of Taurus, the Wesak Festival, no price is too high for spiritual enlightenment possible, particularly at this time."
Djwhal Khul
From the point of Light within the Mind of God,
light it flow into the minds of men
Let Light descend on Earth.
From the point of Love within the Heart of God,
love it flow to the hearts of men;
May Christ return to Earth.
From the center where the Will of God is known
Let purpose guide the little wills of men,
The purpose which the Masters know and serve.
From the center which we call the race of men,
Let the Plan of Love and Light
and seal the door where evil dwells.
Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.
"The Great Invocation is not exclusive to any particular person or group but to all mankind. Her beauty and strength lies in its simplicity and the expression of certain fundamental truths that every human being normal and spontaneously accepted. Many religions believe in World Instructor, he is recognized under various names: The Lord Maitreya, Krishna, Imam Mahdi, Messiah, Buddha, Christ for the Christians, Saint Germain, and so on. "